Hebreeën 10:19-39

19 Dewijl wij dan, broeders, vrijmoedigheid hebben, om in te gaan in het heiligdom door het bloed van Jezus,
20 Op een versen en levenden weg, welken Hij ons ingewijd heeft door het voorhangsel, dat is, door Zijn vlees;
21 En dewijl wij hebben een groten Priester over het huis Gods;
22 Zo laat ons toegaan met een waarachtig hart, in volle verzekerdheid des geloofs, onze harten gereinigd zijnde van het kwaad geweten, en het lichaam gewassen zijnde met rein water.
23 Laat ons de onwankelbare belijdenis der hoop vast houden; (want Die het beloofd heeft, is getrouw);
24 En laat ons op elkander acht nemen, tot opscherping der liefde en der goede werken;
25 En laat ons onze onderlinge bijeenkomst niet nalaten, gelijk sommigen de gewoonte hebben, maar elkander vermanen; en dat zoveel te meer, als gij ziet, dat de dag nadert.
26 Want zo wij willens zondigen, nadat wij de kennis der waarheid ontvangen hebben, zo blijft er geen slachtoffer meer over voor de zonden;
27 Maar een schrikkelijke verwachting des oordeels, en hitte des vuurs, dat de tegenstanders zal verslinden.
28 Als iemand de wet van Mozes heeft te niet gedaan, die sterft zonder barmhartigheid, onder twee of drie getuigen;
29 Hoeveel te zwaarder straf, meent gij, zal hij waardig geacht worden, die den Zoon van God vertreden heeft, en het bloed des testaments onrein geacht heeft, waardoor hij geheiligd was, en den Geest der genade smaadheid heeft aangedaan?
30 Want wij kennen Hem, Die gezegd heeft: Mijn is de wraak, Ik zal het vergelden, spreekt de Heere. En wederom: De Heere zal Zijn volk oordelen.
31 Vreselijk is het te vallen in de handen des levenden Gods.
32 Doch gedenkt de vorige dagen, in dewelke, nadat gij verlicht zijt geweest, gij veel strijd des lijdens hebt verdragen.
33 Ten dele, als gij door smaadheden en verdrukkingen een schouwspel geworden zijt; en ten dele, als gij gemeenschap gehad hebt met degenen, die alzo behandeld werden.
34 Want gij hebt ook over mijn banden medelijden gehad, en de roving uwer goederen met blijdschap aangenomen, wetende, dat gij hebt in uzelven een beter en blijvend goed in de hemelen.
35 Werpt dan uw vrijmoedigheid niet weg, welke een grote vergelding des loons heeft.
36 Want gij hebt lijdzaamheid van node, opdat gij, den wil van God gedaan hebbende, de beloftenis moogt wegdragen;
37 Want: Nog een zeer weinig tijds en Hij, Die te komen staat, zal komen, en niet vertoeven.
38 Maar de rechtvaardige zal uit het geloof leven; en zo iemand zich onttrekt, Mijn ziel heeft in hem geen behagen.
39 Maar wij zijn niet van degenen, die zich onttrekken ten verderve, maar van degenen, die geloven tot behouding der ziel.

Images for Hebreeën 10:19-39

Hebreeën 10:19-39 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the apostle pursues his argument, showing the weakness and imperfection of the Levitical priesthood, and the superior excellency of Christ's, which he closes with suitable exhortations to faith on Christ, as the alone high priest, and to a constant profession of him. The imperfection of the Levitical priesthood is proved, from the law by which it was established, being only a shadow of good things to come; from the insufficiency of annual sacrifices to perfect the comers to them, or to purge the consciences of the worshippers from sin; and from the non-cessation of these sacrifices which would have been, if the above ends could have been answered by them, Heb 10:1,2, but on the contrary, by the annual return of these sacrifices, sins are afresh remembered, and very good reason there is for it, since it is an impossible thing that the blood of slain beasts should take away sin, Heb 10:3,4 moreover, the apostle proves the insufficiency of such sacrifices, by a divine testimony, out of Ps 40:6-8 by which it appears, that they are not agreeable to the will of God, and are rejected by him as useless, Heb 10:5-8 and this leads the apostle to discourse of the excellency of Christ's sacrifice above them; that they are taken away, and his is substituted in their room; that as they are not agreeable to the will of God, his is a fulfilment of it; that though they could not expiate sin, yet by the offering up of the body of Christ, once for all, his people are sanctified, or their sins are expiated, Heb 10:9,10 and this is further illustrated by a comparison between the priests under the law, and Christ; they were many, he but one; they daily offered the same sacrifices, he offered but one sacrifice; theirs could not take away sin, by his offering he has perfectly expiated the sins of his people; they stood daily ministering, their work being never at an end; he is set down at the right hand of God, expecting his enemies to be made his footstool, having done his work to perfection, Heb 10:11-14 and that legal sacrifices are ceased, and no more to be used, is proved by a testimony of the Holy Ghost, out of Jer 31:33,34 relating to the covenant of grace, among the promises of which stands that of the forgiveness of sin; from whence the apostle justly concludes, that where remission of sin is, there is, and there needs no more offering for it, Heb 10:15-18 and from hence, the apostle passes to exhortations to the exercise of grace, and discharge of duty, which he strongly urges from the consideration of Christ's priesthood, and the efficacy of it: and first, he presses them to the duty of prayer, to draw nigh to God to the throne of his grace. The manner in which he would have them approach to God, is in the sincerity of their hearts, in a plerophory of faith, an high and full exercise of it, and impurity of soul and body: the motives or encouragements to it are taken from their having boldness and liberty to enter by faith into heaven itself with their prayers, through the blood of Jesus; from there being a new and living way opened for them through, the flesh of Christ; and from their having such an high priest over the house of God as he is, Heb 10:19-22, and next he exhorts them to a constant and steadfast profession of their faith, to which he animates them by the faithfulness of a promising God, who will never leave nor forsake his people, Heb 10:23 and then to consider one another in their church relation, and to stir up one another to the exercise of the grace of love, and to the performance of good works, Heb 10:24, and also not to forsake their public assemblies, as was the custom of some, but to exhort each other to greater diligence in attending there, especially since they might observe that a time of great tribulation was at hand, Heb 10:25 and in order to deter from apostasy, which is expressed by a sinning wilfully, after a man has received and professed the knowledge of the truth, the apostle observes that the destruction of such is inevitable; since there never will be another propitiatory sacrifice offered up, and therefore there can be no other than a dreadful expectation of an awful judgment, and of the wrath of God, which, like a consuming fire, will destroy such adversaries of Christ, Heb 10:26,27 the justice of which is argued from the less to the greater; that if the transgressors of the law of Moses had no mercy shown them, but died when there were proper and sufficient witnesses of their crimes, then such must be deserving of a far greater punishment, who treat with the greatest rudeness the person of the Son of God, and his precious blood, and with the greatest contempt the person and grace of the Holy Spirit, Heb 10:28,29, and such persons have reason to expect the vengeance of God will fall on them, since it is threatened them in the word of God, De 32:35,36 and a dreadful thing it is to fall into his hands, Heb 10:30,31. But in order to encourage these believing Hebrews to hold on and out unto the end, the apostle puts them in mind of their good beginning, how well they set out, and how bravely they behaved, by bearing afflictions and reproaches themselves; by being the companions of those that were afflicted and reproached; by having compassion on the apostle when in bonds; and by cheerfully suffering the loss of their goods upon this consideration, that they had in heaven a better and a more enduring substance, Heb 10:32-34 wherefore it would be exceeding wrong and very unbecoming, after all this, to drop their faith and a profession of it, which otherwise would issue in the enjoyment of the great recompense of reward, Heb 10:35 and as patience is necessary, it is right to exercise it under sufferings for Christ's sake, partly because it is doing the will of God, and partly because that after that is done, such shall receive the promised happiness; and what may serve the more to engage to the exercise of it is, it is but a little while and Christ will come and put an end to all the sufferings of his people, Heb 10:36,37 and that faith should be in exercise, is proved from a divine testimony, Hab 2:4 and so must be pleasing to God, when the contrary is highly resented by him, Heb 10:38 and now, lest the believing Hebrews should conclude from all this that the apostle suspected them as going into apostasy, he declares his belief, that he and they were not in the number of apostates, but of believers, whose souls would be saved, Heb 10:39

The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.