A Season of Reflection Week 4 Video: The Coming of Love

Crosswalk.com Contributing Writer

Jesus’ birth has often been called the coming of love, a word and emotion easily misunderstood. We tend to view love through a sentimental lens as something that makes us happy to be with another person. The Bible does affirm a sense of that kind of love as the Father’s sending Jesus into the world showed us perfect love (1 John 4:8-12).

However, while the coming of love in the form of Jesus in human flesh might seem like the ultimate expression of love, Jesus showed love in a myriad of ways. He loved people deeply and despite of their sins (such as when he showed love to the woman at the well in John 4). But Jesus also made people mad because his words and actions gave them a glimpse of God’s love.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Oleg Elkov 

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