1 Kings 18:25-35

25 dixit ergo Helias prophetis Baal eligite vobis bovem unum et facite primi quia vos plures estis et invocate nomina deorum vestrorum ignemque non subponatis
26 qui cum tulissent bovem quem dederat eis fecerunt et invocabant nomen Baal de mane usque ad meridiem dicentes Baal exaudi nos et non erat vox nec qui responderet transiliebantque altare quod fecerant
27 cumque esset iam meridies inludebat eis Helias dicens clamate voce maiore deus enim est et forsitan loquitur aut in diversorio est aut in itinere aut certe dormit ut excitetur
28 clamabant ergo voce magna et incidebant se iuxta ritum suum cultris et lanceolis donec perfunderentur sanguine
29 postquam autem transiit meridies et illis prophetantibus venerat tempus quo sacrificium offerri solet nec audiebatur vox neque aliquis respondebat nec adtendebat orantes
30 dixit Helias omni populo venite ad me et accedente ad se populo curavit altare Domini quod destructum fuerat
31 et tulit duodecim lapides iuxta numerum tribuum filiorum Iacob ad quem factus est sermo Domini dicens Israhel erit nomen tuum
32 et aedificavit lapidibus altare in nomine Domini fecitque aquaeductum quasi per duas aratiunculas in circuitu altaris
33 et conposuit ligna divisitque per membra bovem et posuit super ligna
34 et ait implete quattuor hydrias aqua et fundite super holocaustum et super ligna rursumque dixit etiam secundo hoc facite qui cum fecissent et secundo ait etiam tertio id ipsum facite feceruntque et tertio
35 et currebant aquae circa altare et fossa aquaeductus repleta est

1 Kings 18:25-35 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter Elijah has an order from the Lord to show himself to Ahab, who, going first, and meeting with a servant of his, Obadiah, charges him to tell his master where he was, that he might meet him, 1Ki 18:1-16, and, upon meeting him, desires that all Israel, and the prophets of Baal, might be convened, which was accordingly done, 1Ki 18:17-20, when he expostulated with the people of Israel for their idolatry, mocked and confounded the prophets of Baal, and gave the strongest proofs, to the conviction of the people, that Jehovah is the true God, 1Ki 18:21-39, on which all the prophets of Baal were slain, 1Ki 18:40, and rain in great abundance was given at the prayer of the prophet, 1Ki 18:41-46.

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.