Salmos 71

1 Em ti, Senhor, me refugio; nunca seja eu confundido.
2 Na tua justiça socorre-me e livra-me; inclina os teus ouvidos para mim, e salva-me.
3 Sê tu para mim uma rocha de refúgio a que sempre me acolha; deste ordem para que eu seja salvo, pois tu és a minha rocha e a minha fortaleza.
4 Livra-me, Deus meu, da mão do ímpio, do poder do homem injusto e cruel,
5 Pois tu és a minha esperança, Senhor Deus; tu és a minha confiança desde a minha mocidade.
6 Em ti me tenho apoiado desde que nasci; tu és aquele que me tiraste das entranhas de minha mãe. O meu louvor será teu constantemente.
7 Sou para muitos um assombro, mas tu és o meu refúgio forte.
8 A minha boca se enche do teu louvor e da tua glória continuamente.
9 Não me enjeites no tempo da velhice; não me desampares, quando se forem acabando as minhas forças.
10 Porque os meus inimigos falam de mim, e os que espreitam a minha vida consultam juntos,
11 dizendo: Deus o desamparou; persegui-o e prendei-o, pois não há quem o livre.
12 Ó Deus, não te alongues de mim; meu Deus, apressa-te em socorrer-me.
13 Sejam envergonhados e consumidos os meus adversários; cubram-se de opróbrio e de confusão aqueles que procuram o meu mal.
14 Mas eu esperarei continuamente, e te louvarei cada vez mais.
15 A minha boca falará da tua justiça e da tua salvação todo o dia, posto que não conheça a sua grandeza.
16 Virei na força do Senhor Deus; farei menção da tua justiça, da tua tão somente.
17 Ensinaste-me, ó Deus, desde a minha mocidade; e até aqui tenho anunciado as tuas maravilhas.
18 Agora, quando estou velho e de cabelos brancos, não me desampares, ó Deus, até que tenha anunciado a tua força a esta geração, e o teu poder a todos os vindouros.
19 A tua justiça, ó Deus, atinge os altos céus; tu tens feito grandes coisas; ó Deus, quem é semelhante a ti?
20 Tu, que me fizeste ver muitas e penosas tribulações, de novo me restituirás a vida, e de novo me tirarás dos abismos da terra.
21 Aumentarás a minha grandeza, e de novo me consolarás.
22 Também eu te louvarei ao som do saltério, pela tua fidelidade, ó meu Deus; cantar-te-ei ao som da harpa, ó Santo de Israel.
23 Os meus lábios exultarão quando eu cantar os teus louvores, assim como a minha alma, que tu remiste.
24 Também a minha língua falará da tua justiça o dia todo; pois estão envergonhados e confundidos aqueles que procuram o meu mal.

Salmos 71 Commentary

Chapter 71

Prayers that God would deliver and save. (1-13) Believing praises. (14-24)

Verses 1-13 David prays that he might never be made ashamed of dependence upon God. With this petition every true believer may come boldly to the throne of grace. The gracious care of Divine providence in our birth and infancy, should engage us to early piety. He that was our Help from our birth, ought to be our Hope from our youth. Let none expect ease or comfort from the world. Those who love the Lord, often are hated and persecuted; men wondered at for their principles and conduct; but the Lord has been their strong refuge. The faithful servants of God may be assured that he will not cast them off in old age, nor forsake them when their strength fails.

Verses 14-24 The psalmist declares that the righteousness of Christ, and the great salvation obtained thereby, shall be the chosen subject of his discourse. Not on a sabbath only, but on every day of the week, of the year, of his life. Not merely at stated returns of solemn devotion, but on every occasion, all the day long. Why will he always dwell on this? Because he knew not the numbers thereof. It is impossible to measure the value or the fulness of these blessings. The righteousness is unspeakable, the salvation everlasting. God will not cast off his grey-headed servants when no longer capable of labouring as they have done. The Lord often strengthens his people in their souls, when nature is sinking into decay. And it is a debt which the old disciples of Christ owe to succeeding generations, to leave behind them a solemn testimony to the advantage of religion, and the truth of God's promises; and especially to the everlasting righteousness of the Redeemer. Assured of deliverance and victory, let us spend our days, while waiting the approach of death, in praising the Holy One of Israel with all our powers. And while speaking of his righteousness, and singing his praises, we shall rise above fears and infirmities, and have earnests of the joys of heaven. The work of redemption ought, above all God's works, to be spoken of by us in our praises. The Lamb that was slain, and has redeemed us to God, is worthy of all blessing and praise.

Chapter Summary


This psalm is without a title, but is thought to be David's: the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions, and all the Oriental ones, ascribe it to him; and both the subject and style show it to be his. According to the title of the Syriac version, it was composed by him when Saul made war against the house of David; but this is not likely, since it was written by him in his old age, Ps 71:9,18; rather, according to Kimchi and Arama, it was penned when he fled from his son Absalom: there are several things in it which incline to this. The Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions call it

``A Psalm of David, of the sons of Jonadab, and of the first that were carried captive;''

and so the Ethiopic and Arabic versions. Apollinarius says the sons of Jonadab composed it; but without any foundation for it; and the Syriac version is, it is a prophecy concerning the sufferings and resurrection of the Messiah; and so Jerom and others interpret it. The literal meaning respecting David seems best, though it may be applied to the church, and to any believer in distress. Theodoret thinks it was written by David in the person of the captives in Babylon.

Salmos 71 Commentaries

The Almeida Atualizada is in the public domain.