Esdras 6:16-18

16 Y los hijos de Israel, los sacerdotes, los levitas y los demás desterrados, celebraron con júbilo la dedicación de esta casa de Dios.
17 Y para la dedicación de esta casa de Dios ofrecieron cien novillos, doscientos carneros, cuatrocientos corderos, y como ofrenda por el pecado por todo Israel, doce machos cabríos, conforme al número de las tribus de Israel.
18 Entonces asignaron a los sacerdotes en sus secciones y a los levitas en sus clases para el servicio de Dios en Jerusalén, como está escrito en el libro de Moisés.

Esdras 6:16-18 Meaning and Commentary


Darius, on receiving the letter from his officers in Samaria, searched for the decree of Cyrus, and found it, and which he confirmed, Ezr 6:1-7 and made a fresh decree, and ordered expenses to be given out of his tribute for the building of the temple, and for the sacrifices of it; and that whosoever altered it should be hanged on the timber of his own house, and imprecated a curse on those that should destroy the house of God, Ezr 6:8-12 upon which the building went on, and was finished, Ezr 6:13-15 and the temple was dedicated to God in a solemn manner, Ezr 6:16-18, and the passover was kept by all the people, Ezr 6:19-22.

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