The Children for Christ

Andrew Murray


The Family as God created it, Gen i. 21, 28

The Family as Sin made it, Gen v 1, 3

The Family as Grace restores it, Gen vii 1

The Child of the Covenant, Gen xv 4, 6

The Promise of the Covenant, Gen xvii 7

The Seal of the Covenant, Gen xvii 11, 12

Keeping the Covenant, Gen xviii 19

The Child's Surety, Gen xliii 8, 9

Faith hiding the Child, Ex ii 2

A Lamb for an House, Ex xii 3, 23

The Father Priest and Prophet, Ex. xii. 26, 27

Sanctify the First-born, Ex xiii 1, 13-15

The Sabbath and the Children, Ex xx 10

The Children's Commandment, Ex xx 12

Parental Instruction, Deut vi 1, 2, 5-7

A Consecrated Home, Josh xxiv 15

Consecrated Parents, Judg xiii 12

A Consecrated Child, 1 Sam i 27, 28

Parental Weakness, 1 Sam ii 29, 30 14<5

The Father as Intercessor, Job i 5

The True Good, Ps xxxiv 11-14

Training, Prov xxii 6

The Child choosing the Good, Isa vii 15

God's Spirit in our Children, Isa xliv 3, 5

From Generation to Generation, Isa Ii 8

The Crowning Blessing, Joel ii 28

The Heavenly and the Earthly Father, Matt vii 11

Children of the Kingdom, Matt viii 12

A Mother's Persevering Prayer, Matt xv 22, 28

The Heavenliness of a Little Child, Matt, xviii 4, 5

Suffering Children to come to Jesus, Matt xix 14

A Father's Tears, Mark ix 24

The Sacredness of Motherhood, Luke i 15

A Mother's Surrender, Luke i 38

A Mother's Thanksgiving, Luke i 46-48

Jesus the Children's Surety, Luke ii 22-24

Baptism with Water and Spirit, Luke iii 16

A Faith Home, Luke viii 49, 50

The Chamber of Death, Luke viii 52

The Widow's Child, Luke vii 12, 13

The Sick Child, John iv 46, 47

Feed My Lambs, John xxi 15

The Holy Spirit in the Family, Acts ii 39

Parental Self-culture, Rom ii 21

Baptized into Christ, Rom vi 3, 4

The Heritage of Holiness, 1 Cor vii 14

The Reign of Love, Eph vi 4

The Nurture of the Lord, Eph vi 4

Home Rule, 1 Tim iii 4, 12

Children and Scripture, 2 Tim i 5

Believing Children, Tit i 6

I and the Children, Heb ii 13

Twenty-Second Day

Thirtieth Day

Fortieth Day