2 Corintios 11

1 Pablo y los falsos apóstoles
Espero que toleren un poco más de mis «tonterías». Por favor, ténganme paciencia;
2 pues los celo, con el celo de Dios mismo. Los prometí como una novia pura
a su único esposo: Cristo.
3 Pero temo que, de alguna manera, su pura y completa devoción a Cristo se corrompa, tal como Eva fue engañada por la astucia de la serpiente.
4 Ustedes soportan de buena gana todo lo que cualquiera les dice, aun si les predican a un Jesús diferente del que nosotros predicamos o a un Espíritu diferente del que ustedes recibieron o un evangelio diferente del que creyeron.
5 Pero de ninguna manera me considero inferior a esos «superapóstoles» que enseñan tales cosas.
6 Podré ser un orador inexperto, pero no me falta conocimiento. Eso es algo que les hemos dejado bien claro a ustedes de todas las maneras posibles.
7 ¿Estaba equivocado cuando me humillé y los honré al predicarles la Buena Noticia de Dios sin esperar nada a cambio?
8 Les «robé» a otras iglesias al aceptar sus contribuciones para poder servirlos a ustedes sin ningún costo.
9 Cuando estuve con ustedes y no tenía lo suficiente para vivir, no llegué a ser una carga financiera para nadie. Pues los hermanos que llegaron de Macedonia me trajeron todo lo que necesitaba. Nunca he sido una carga para ustedes y jamás lo seré.
10 Tan cierto como que la verdad de Cristo está en mí, nadie en toda Grecia
me impedirá que me jacte de esto.
11 ¿Por qué? ¿Porque no los amo? Dios sabe que sí.
12 Pero seguiré haciendo lo que siempre he hecho. Esto debilitará los argumentos de aquellos que andan buscando la oportunidad para jactarse de que su trabajo es igual al nuestro.
13 Estos individuos son falsos apóstoles. Son obreros engañosos que se disfrazan de apóstoles de Cristo.
14 ¡Pero no me sorprende para nada! Aun Satanás se disfraza de ángel de luz.
15 Así que no es de sorprenderse que los que lo sirven también se disfracen de siervos de la justicia. Al final, recibirán el castigo que sus acciones perversas merecen.
16 Las muchas pruebas de Pablo
Otra vez lo digo, no piensen que soy un necio por hablar así; pero aun si lo piensan, escúchenme, tal como lo harían con una persona necia, mientras que yo también me jacto un poco.
17 Dicha jactancia no proviene del Señor, pero actúo como un necio.
18 Ya que otros se jactan de sus logros humanos, yo también lo haré.
19 Después de todo, ustedes se creen muy sabios, ¡pero con gusto soportan a los necios!
20 Aguantan cuando alguien los esclaviza, les quita todo lo que tienen, se aprovecha de ustedes, toma control de todo y les da una bofetada.
21 ¡Me da vergüenza decir que nosotros fuimos demasiado «débiles» para hacer lo mismo!
Pero sea lo que sea de lo que ellos se atrevan a jactarse —otra vez hablo como un necio— yo también me atrevo a jactarme de lo mismo.
22 ¿Son ellos hebreos? Yo también lo soy. ¿Son israelitas? También lo soy yo. ¿Son descendientes de Abraham? También yo.
23 ¿Son siervos de Cristo? Sé que sueno como un loco, ¡pero yo lo he servido mucho más! He trabajado con más esfuerzo, me han encarcelado más seguido, fui azotado innumerables veces y enfrenté la muerte en repetidas ocasiones.
24 En cinco ocasiones distintas, los líderes judíos me dieron treinta y nueve latigazos.
25 Tres veces me azotaron con varas. Una vez fui apedreado. Tres veces sufrí naufragios. Una vez pasé toda una noche y el día siguiente a la deriva en el mar.
26 He estado en muchos viajes muy largos. Enfrenté peligros de ríos y de ladrones. Enfrenté peligros de parte de mi propio pueblo, los judíos, y también de los gentiles.
Enfrenté peligros en ciudades, en desiertos y en mares. Y enfrenté peligros de hombres que afirman ser creyentes, pero no lo son.
27 He trabajado con esfuerzo y por largas horas y soporté muchas noches sin dormir. He tenido hambre y sed, y a menudo me he quedado sin nada que comer. He temblado de frío, sin tener ropa suficiente para mantenerme abrigado.
28 Además de todo eso, a diario llevo la carga de mi preocupación por todas las iglesias.
29 ¿Quién está débil sin que yo no sienta esa misma debilidad? ¿Quién se ha dejado llevar por mal camino sin que yo arda de enojo?
30 Si debo jactarme, preferiría jactarme de las cosas que muestran lo débil que soy.
31 Dios, el Padre de nuestro Señor Jesús, quien es digno de eterna alabanza, sabe que no miento.
32 Cuando estuve en Damasco, el gobernador bajo el mando del rey Aretas puso guardias en las puertas de la ciudad para atraparme.
33 Tuvieron que descolgarme en un canasto por una ventana en el muro de la ciudad para que escapara de él.

2 Corintios 11 Commentary

Chapter 11

The apostle gives the reasons for speaking in his own commendation. (1-14) Shows that he had freely preached the gospel. (5-15) Explains what he was going to add in defence of his own character. (16-21) He gives an account of his labours, cares, sufferings, dangers, and deliverances. (22-33)

Verses 1-4 The apostle desired to preserve the Corinthians from being corrupted by the false apostles. There is but one Jesus, one Spirit, and one gospel, to be preached to them, and received by them; and why should any be prejudiced, by the devices of an adversary, against him who first taught them in faith? They should not listen to men, who, without cause, would draw them away from those who were the means of their conversion.

Verses 5-15 It is far better to be plain in speech, yet walking openly and consistently with the gospel, than to be admired by thousands, and be lifted up in pride, so as to disgrace the gospel by evil tempers and unholy lives. The apostle would not give room for any to accuse him of worldly designs in preaching the gospel, that others who opposed him at Corinth, might not in this respect gain advantage against him. Hypocrisy may be looked for, especially when we consider the great power which Satan, who rules in the hearts of the children of disobedience, has upon the minds of many. And as there are temptations to evil conduct, so there is equal danger on the other side. It serves Satan's purposes as well, to set up good works against the atonement of Christ, and salvation by faith and grace. But the end will discover those who are deceitful workers; their work will end in ruin. Satan will allow his ministers to preach either the law or the gospel separately; but the law as established by faith in Christ's righteousness and atonement, and the partaking of his Spirit, is the test of every false system.

Verses 16-21 It is the duty and practice of Christians to humble themselves, in obedience to the command and example of the Lord; yet prudence must direct in what it is needful to do things which we may do lawfully, even the speaking of what God has wrought for us, and in us, and by us. Doubtless here is reference to facts in which the character of the false apostles had been shown. It is astonishing to see how such men bring their followers into bondage, and how they take from them and insult them.

Verses 22-33 The apostle gives an account of his labours and sufferings; not out of pride or vain-glory, but to the honour of God, who enabled him to do and suffer so much for the cause of Christ; and shows wherein he excelled the false apostles, who tried to lessen his character and usefulness. It astonishes us to reflect on this account of his dangers, hardships, and sufferings, and to observe his patience, perseverance, diligence, cheerfulness, and usefulness, in the midst of all these trials. See what little reason we have to love the pomp and plenty of this world, when this blessed apostle felt so much hardship in it. Our utmost diligence and services appear unworthy of notice when compared with his, and our difficulties and trials scarcely can be perceived. It may well lead us to inquire whether or not we really are followers of Christ. Here we may study patience, courage, and firm trust in God. Here we may learn to think less of ourselves; and we should ever strictly keep to truth, as in God's presence; and should refer all to his glory, as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed for evermore.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter, the apostle continues his discourse concerning the false teachers; blames the Corinthians for their connivance at them, and subjection to them; gives a true and ample description of them; compares himself with them, and by various instances shows, that he was greatly superior to them: and whereas self commendation was necessary, and could not be avoided in this argument, and this might look like folly, and by some be deemed such, he entreats the Corinthians that they would bear with him in it, as well as in his reproofs and admonitions to them, 2Co 11:1 and assigns his godly jealousy over them, as the reason why he entered into this subject, and proceeded in such a way of reasoning on it; and the rather this might be bore with in him, since he had such a concern in espousing them to Christ; his end in which was, to present them a chaste virgin to him, 2Co 11:2 and what this jealousy was he explains, lest their minds should be corrupted by the false teachers, and they should forsake the pure and simple Gospel of Christ; which he exemplifies in the instance of Eve being deceived by the serpent, 2Co 11:3 and proceeds to blame them for preferring these false teachers to the faithful ministers of the word; seeing, put them in the best light they could, it was but the same Jesus they preached, and not another and a better Saviour; and it was but the same spirit of faith they received through their ministry, and not another and a better; and the same Gospel they brought, and did not come with better news, or more joyful tidings; had this been the case, there would have been some reason for extolling one above another, 2Co 11:4 for which there was not the least foundation, especially with respect to the Apostle Paul, who was not inferior to the chief of the true apostles of Christ, and therefore could not be at all behind these men, 2Co 11:5 and seeing it might be objected to him that he was rude in speech, when these were men of great eloquence, he allows it; but then affirms he was not so in knowledge, in which he exceeded them; for the truth of which, lie appeals to the Corinthians themselves, 2Co 11:6 and he suggests, that it was very ungrateful in them, that inasmuch as he humbled himself when among them, by working with his own hands, that they might be exalted, that they should despise him on that account, and prefer these avaricious men before him, 2Co 11:7 when that he might be able to preach the Gospel freely, he took of other churches, 2Co 11:8 and particularly was supplied by the Macedonian brethren, and so was not at all chargeable and burdensome to them, and he was determined ever to remain so, 2Co 11:9 and which he confirms by an oath, that no man should ever be able to prevail upon him to take anything of the churches in the region of Achaia, in which Corinth was, 2Co 11:10 and whereas it might be insinuated that such a resolution showed that he had no true affection for them, this he denies, and appeals to the omniscient God for the truth of his love to them, 2Co 11:11 but the true reason why he had so determined, was to prevent the false teachers having any opportunity to reproach him, and exalt themselves, 2Co 11:12 and this leads him on to a description of them, by their ambition and arrogance, in assuming a title that did not belong to them; by their crafty, cunning, and deceitful manner of working, and by their hypocrisy in mimicking the apostles of Christ, 2Co 11:13 nor need this seem strange to any, when Satan himself has been transformed into an angel of light, 2Co 11:14 and whom, the apostle suggests, these men imitated; whose ministers they were, though they looked like ministers of righteousness, and on whom the apostle denounces severe punishment, 2Co 11:15 and as he saw himself under a necessity of boasting, in order to stop the mouths of these men, to vindicate himself, and prevent mischief being done by them, he renews his entreaty in 2Co 11:1 that the Corinthians would not reckon him as a fool; or if they did, that they would bear with his folly, and suffer him to boast of himself a little, 2Co 11:16 and that the Christian religion, and the Gospel of Christ, might not come under any reproach and blame, for his conduct in this particular, he observes, that what he was about to say on this head of boasting, was not by any order or direction from the Lord, but of himself, and might have the appearance of folly in it, 2Co 11:17 and the rather he might be indulged in it, seeing many, even the false teachers, had gloried in a carnal way, and of outward things, and which made it necessary that he should glory also, 2Co 11:18 and which foolish boasting in them, even many of the Corinthians had bore with, and that with a great deal of pleasure; and therefore might suffer him, a single man, to boast a little of himself unto them, whom he ironically calls wise, 2Co 11:19 of which he gives instances, by being brought into bondage, devoured, pillaged, insulted, and abused, by the false teachers, 2Co 11:20 nor had they abused and reproached them only, but the apostle also, as weak and contemptible; but then he would not bear it, but would boldly engage and enter the lists with them, though this might be by some reckoned foolish boasting, 2Co 11:21 and then follows the comparison between him and them, by which it appears that he was upon an equal foot with them, on account of nation, descent, and parentage, 2Co 11:22 that he was superior to them as a minister of the Gospel, as was manifest by his more abundant labours in it, and by his sufferings for it, the dangers he was exposed unto on account of it, and the many hardships he endured in the ministration of it, of which he gives a variety of particulars, 2Co 11:23-27 to which he adds, besides these things, and all other outward ones, that the daily care of all the churches of Christ was upon him, 2Co 11:28 and such was his sympathy with all sorts of Christians, even the weak and offended brethren, that he was affected with them, bore their infirmities, and sought to reconcile and make them easy, which greatly increased the weight of business that was upon him, 2Co 11:29 and seeing there was a necessity of glorying, he chose to glory in his infirmities and sufferings, and on which he had mostly enlarged, 2Co 11:30 and for the glory of divine Providence, and to express his thankfulness for the mercy, he relates a particular instance of deliverance from imminent danger; for the truth of which he appeals to the God and Father of Christ, the eternally blessed One, 2Co 11:31 the danger he escaped, the manner and means of the escape, and the place where, are particularly mentioned, 2Co 11:32,33.

2 Corintios 11 Commentaries

Esta Biblia es una edición de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente. La Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, © Tyndale House Foundation, 2010. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite Tyndale en Internet: www.BibliaNTV.com y www.tyndaleespanol.com.