Apocalipse 22:6-21

6 O anjo me disse: “Estas palavras são dignas de confiança e verdadeiras. O Senhor, o Deus dos espíritos dos profetas, enviou o seu anjo para mostrar aos seus servos as coisas que em breve hão de acontecer.[a]

Jesus Vem em Breve

7 “Eis que venho em breve! Feliz é aquele que guarda as palavras da profecia deste livro”.
8 Eu, João, sou aquele que ouviu e viu estas coisas. Tendo-as ouvido e visto, caí aos pés do anjo que me mostrou tudo aquilo, para adorá-lo.
9 Mas ele me disse: “Não faça isso! Sou servo como você e seus irmãos, os profetas, e como os que guardam as palavras deste livro. Adore a Deus!”
10 Então me disse: “Não sele as palavras da profecia deste livro, pois o tempo está próximo.
11 Continue o injusto a praticar injustiça; continue o imundo na imundícia; continue o justo a praticar justiça; e continue o santo a santificar-se”.
12 “Eis que venho em breve! A minha recompensa está comigo, e eu retribuirei a cada um de acordo com o que fez.
13 Eu sou o Alfa e o Ômega, o Primeiro e o Último, o Princípio e o Fim.
14 “Felizes os que lavam as suas vestes, e assim têm direito à árvore da vida e podem entrar na cidade pelas portas.
15 Fora ficam os cães, os que praticam feitiçaria, os que cometem imoralidades sexuais, os assassinos, os idólatras e todos os que amam e praticam a mentira.
16 “Eu, Jesus, enviei o meu anjo para dar a vocês este testemunho concernente às igrejas. Eu sou a Raiz e o Descendente de Davi, e a resplandecente Estrela da Manhã”.
17 O Espírito e a noiva dizem: “Vem!” E todo aquele que ouvir diga: “Vem!” Quem tiver sede venha; e quem quiser beba de graça da água da vida.
18 Declaro a todos os que ouvem as palavras da profecia deste livro: Se alguém lhe acrescentar algo, Deus lhe acrescentará as pragas descritas neste livro.
19 Se alguém tirar alguma palavra deste livro de profecia, Deus tirará dele a sua parte na árvore da vida e na cidade santa, que são descritas neste livro.
20 Aquele que dá testemunho destas coisas diz: “Sim, venho em breve!”Amém. Vem, Senhor Jesus!
21 A graça do Senhor Jesus seja com todos. Amém.

Apocalipse 22:6-21 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains a further account of the above city, a confirmation of the visions of this book, and the conclusion of it. The city is further described by the river that ran by it, or through it, called a river of water of life, said to be pure and clear as crystal, and to have its rise from the throne of God and the Lamb; and by the tree of life in the midst of it, situated on each side the river, bearing twelve sorts of fruit, yielded every month, the leaves of which heal the nations, Re 22:1,2 and the happiness of the inhabitants of it is set forth, by there being no curse in it; by the throne of God and the Lamb being in it; by the service of the saints in it; by the pleasure they enjoy, and the honour put upon them; by the light of the place, and the duration of the saints' reign, Re 22:3-5 next follow testimonies concerning the authority of the book, and the truth of things in it; and first, the testimony of the angel that talked with John, declaring that the things in it were true and faithful; and that he was sent from the Lord God of the prophets to show to the saints things that would quickly come to pass; and that Christ himself would quickly come; and that they were happy who kept and observed the sayings and prophecies of it, Re 22:6,7 then the testimony of John who saw and heard them, and was about to worship the angel that declared them, but was forbid by him, and dissuaded from it, by observing to him who he was, a fellow servant of his and of his brethren, and that God only was to be worshipped, Re 22:8,9 who is ordered, as it seems by Christ, not to seal up the prophecies delivered to him, since the time of their fulfilment was at hand, when men would remain just as they were, whether ungodly and filthy, or righteous and holy, Re 22:10,11 and who declares that he should quickly come to reward every man according to his works; and that he was the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last; and that they were happy that did his commandments, since it would appear they had a right to the tree of life, and to entrance through the gates into the city before described, when wicked men, whose characters are given, would be without, Re 22:12-15 and still more clearly and fully Christ asserts himself to be the author of this revelation, and the sender of the angel, to testify it to the church, who is David's root and offspring, and the morning star, whose coming is to be wished for by the Spirit and bride, and every truly gracious soul, Re 22:16,17 and to show the perfection and authority of this book, as well as of the whole Scripture, and to deter persons from adding to it, or taking from it, he threatens to inflict on such persons the plagues herein written, and to take the names of such out of the book of life, out of the holy city, and from the things written in this book, Re 22:18,19 and then he delivers out a fresh asseveration of his speedy coming, to which John adds his hearty "Amen", and earnest request that he would come quickly; and the book is concluded with a benediction usual in the epistles, especially in those of the Apostle Paul, Re 22:20,21.

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. Ou "que acontecerão rapidamente"
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