Ester 7

O Enforcamento de Hamã

1 O rei e Hamã foram ao banquete com a rainha Ester,
2 e, enquanto estavam bebendo vinho no segundo dia, o rei perguntou de novo: “Rainha Ester, qual é o seu pedido? Você será atendida. Qual o seu desejo? Mesmo que seja a metade do reino, isso será concedido a você”.
3 Então a rainha Ester respondeu: “Se posso contar com o favor do rei e se isto lhe agrada, poupe a minha vida e a vida do meu povo; este é o meu pedido e o meu desejo.
4 Pois eu e meu povo fomos vendidos para destruição, morte e aniquilação. Se apenas tivéssemos sido vendidos como escravos e escravas, eu teria ficado em silêncio, porque nenhuma aflição como essa justificaria perturbar o rei”.[a]
5 O rei Xerxes perguntou à rainha Ester: “Quem se atreveu a uma coisa dessas? Onde está ele?”
6 Respondeu Ester: “O adversário e inimigo é Hamã, esse perverso”.Diante disso, Hamã ficou apavorado na presença do rei e da rainha.
7 Furioso, o rei levantou-se, deixou o vinho, saiu dali e foi para o jardim do palácio. E percebendo Hamã que o rei já tinha decidido condená-lo, ficou ali para implorar por sua vida à rainha Ester.
8 E voltando o rei do jardim do palácio ao salão do banquete, viu Hamã caído sobre o assento onde Ester estava reclinada. E então exclamou: “Chegaria ele ao cúmulo de violentar a rainha na minha presença e em minha própria casa?”Mal o rei terminou de dizer isso, alguns oficiais cobriram o rosto de Hamã.
9 E um deles, chamado Harbona, que estava a serviço do rei, disse: “Há uma forca de mais de vinte metros[b] de altura junto à casa de Hamã, que ele fez para Mardoqueu, aquele que intercedeu pela vida do rei”.Então o rei ordenou: “Enforquem-no nela!”
10 Assim Hamã morreu na forca que tinha preparado para Mardoqueu; e a ira do rei se acalmou.

Ester 7 Commentary

Chapter 7

Esther accuses Haman. (1-6) Haman hanged on his own gallows. (7-10)

Verses 1-6 If the love of life causes earnest pleadings with those that can only kill the body, how fervent should our prayers be to Him, who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell! How should we pray for the salvation of our relatives, friends, and all around us! When we petition great men, we must be cautious not to give them offence; even just complaints must often be kept back. But when we approach the King of kings with reverence, we cannot ask or expect too much. Though nothing but wrath be our due, God is able and willing to do exceeding abundantly, even beyond all we can ask or think.

Verses 7-10 The king was angry: those that do things with self-will, reflect upon them afterward with self-reproach. When angry, we should pause before we come to any resolution, and thus rule our own spirits, and show that we are governed by reason. Those that are most haughty and insolent when in power and prosperity, commonly, like Haman, are the most abject and poor-spirited when brought down. The day is coming when those that hate and persecute God's chosen ones, would gladly be beholden to them. The king returns yet more angry against Haman. Those about him were ready to put his wrath into execution. How little can proud men be sure of the interest they think they have! The enemies of God's church have often been thus taken in their own craftiness. The Lord is known by such judgments. Then was the king's wrath pacified, and not till then. And who pities Haman hanged on his own gallows? who does not rather rejoice in the Divine righteousness displayed in the destruction his own art brought upon him? Let the workers of iniquity tremble, turn to the Lord, and seek pardon through the blood of Jesus.

Footnotes 2

  • [a]. Ou "em silêncio, apesar de que o bem que oferece o nosso inimigo não se compara com a perda que o rei sofreria”."
  • [b]. Hebraico: "50 côvados. " O côvado era uma medida linear de cerca de 45 centímetros.

Chapter Summary


Esther, being solicited by the king to tell him her petition, asks for her life and the lives of her people, who were sold to be destroyed, Es 7:1-4, the king, amazed at her request, inquires who was the person that dared to do so vile a thing; and was told by her it was Haman there present, Es 7:5,6 on which the king went out into the garden in wrath, and, returning, found Haman on Esther's bed, which still more incensed him; and being told that Haman had prepared a gallows for Mordecai, the king ordered that he himself should be hanged upon it, which was done accordingly, Es 7:7-10.

Ester 7 Commentaries

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