1 Samuel 17:48-51

48 Quando o filisteu se levantou e veio chegando para se defrontar com Davi, este se apressou e correu ao combate, a encontrar-se com o filisteu.
49 E Davi, metendo a mão no alforje, tirou dali uma pedra e com a funda lha atirou, ferindo o filisteu na testa; a pedra se lhe cravou na testa, e ele caiu com o rosto em terra.
50 Assim Davi prevaleceu contra o filisteu com uma funda e com uma pedra; feriu-o e o matou; e não havia espada na mão de Davi.
51 Correu, pois, Davi, pôs-se em pé sobre o filisteu e, tomando a espada dele e tirando-a da bainha, o matou, decepando-lhe com ela a cabeça. Vendo então os filisteus que o seu campeão estava morto, fugiram.

1 Samuel 17:48-51 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter relates how the armies of Israel, and of the Philistines, prepared for battle, and where, 1Sa 17:1-3, describes a champion of the Philistines, who defied the armies of Israel, 1Sa 17:4-11, and while he was so doing, it informs us that David came into the camp, and he heard his words, and signified to one and another his inclination to fight with him, 1Sa 17:12-30, which being reported to Saul, David was sent for by him, and much discourse passed between them about it, 1Sa 17:31-37 when we are told the manner in which he engaged with the Philistine, and the victory he obtained over him, 1Sa 17:38-51 upon which the Philistines fled, and Israel pursued them; and on account of this action David was taken notice of by Saul, and brought to court again, as the following chapter shows, 1Sa 17:52-58.

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