Jean 9

1 Comme Jésus passait, il vit un homme aveugle dès sa naissance.
2 Et ses disciples lui demandèrent: Maître, qui a péché, celui-ci ou ses parents, qu'il soit né aveugle?
3 Jésus répondit: Ce n'est pas que celui-ci ou ses parents aient péché; mais c'est afin que les ouvres de Dieu soient manifestées en lui.
4 Pendant qu'il est jour, il faut que je fasse les ouvres de celui qui m'a envoyé; la nuit vient, dans laquelle personne ne peut travailler.
5 Pendant que je suis dans le monde, je suis la lumière du monde.
6 Ayant dit cela, il cracha à terre, et fit de la boue avec sa salive, et il oignit de cette boue les yeux de l'aveugle,
7 Et il lui dit: Va, et te lave au réservoir de Siloé (ce qui signifie Envoyé). Il y alla donc et se lava, et il s'en alla voyant clair.
8 Or, les voisins et ceux qui avaient vu auparavant qu'il était aveugle, disaient: N'est-ce pas là celui qui se tenait assis, et qui demandait l'aumône?
9 Les uns disaient: C'est lui; d'autres: Il lui ressemble; lui disait: C'est moi-même.
10 Ils lui dirent donc: Comment tes yeux ont-ils été ouverts?
11 Il répondit: Un homme qu'on appelle Jésus a fait de la boue, et en a oint mes yeux, et m'a dit: Va au réservoir de Siloé, et t'y lave. Je suis donc allé, et me suis lavé, et je vois.
12 Ils lui dirent: Où est cet homme? Il dit: Je ne sais.
13 Ils amenèrent aux pharisiens celui qui avait été aveugle.
14 Or, c'était le jour du sabbat que Jésus avait fait de la boue, et lui avait ouvert les yeux.
15 Les pharisiens lui demandaient donc aussi comment il avait recouvré la vue. Et il leur dit: Il m'a mis de la boue sur les yeux, et je me suis lavé, et je vois.
16 Alors quelques-uns des pharisiens disaient: Cet homme n'est point de Dieu, puisqu'il ne garde pas le sabbat. D'autres disaient: Comment un homme méchant peut-il faire de tels miracles? Et ils étaient divisés entre eux.
17 Ils dirent de nouveau à l'aveugle: Et toi, que dis-tu de lui, de ce qu'il t'a ouvert les yeux? Il répondit: C'est un prophète.
18 Mais les Juifs ne crurent point que cet homme eût été aveugle, et qu'il eût recouvré la vue, jusqu'à ce qu'ils eussent fait venir ses parents.
19 Et ils les interrogèrent en disant: Est-ce là votre fils, que vous dites être né aveugle? Comment donc voit-il maintenant?
20 Ses parents répondirent: Nous savons que c'est notre fils, et qu'il est né aveugle;
21 Mais nous ne savons comment il voit maintenant, et nous ignorons qui lui a ouvert les yeux. Il a de l'âge, interrogez-le, il parlera lui-même de ce qui le concerne.
22 Ses parents dirent cela, parce qu'ils craignaient les Juifs; car les Juifs avaient déjà arrêté, que si quelqu'un reconnaissait Jésus pour le Christ, il serait chassé de la synagogue.
23 C'est pour cela que ses parents répondirent: Il a de l'âge, interrogez-le.
24 Ils appelèrent donc pour la seconde fois l'homme qui avait été aveugle, et lui dirent: Donne gloire à Dieu, nous savons que cet homme est un pécheur.
25 Il répondit: Je ne sais si c'est un pécheur; je sais une chose; c'est que j'étais aveugle, et que maintenant je vois.
26 Ils dirent encore: Que t'a-t-il fait? Comment t'a-t-il ouvert les yeux?
27 Il leur répondit: Je vous l'ai déjà dit, et ne l'avez-vous pas écouté? Pourquoi voulez-vous l'entendre de nouveau? Voulez-vous aussi devenir ses disciples?
28 Alors ils l'injurièrent, et dirent: C'est toi qui es son disciple, pour nous, nous sommes disciples de Moïse.
29 Nous savons que Dieu a parlé à Moïse; mais pour celui-ci, nous ne savons d'où il est.
30 L'homme répondit: C'est une chose étrange, que vous ne sachiez pas d'où il est; et cependant il m'a ouvert les yeux!
31 Or, nous savons que Dieu n'exauce point les méchants; mais si quelqu'un honore Dieu et fait sa volonté, il l'exauce.
32 On n'a jamais entendu dire que personne ait ouvert les yeux à un aveugle-né.
33 Si celui-ci n'était pas de Dieu, il ne pourrait rien faire.
34 Ils lui répondirent: Tu es né tout entier dans le péché, et tu nous enseignes! Et ils le chassèrent.
35 Jésus apprit qu'ils l'avaient chassé, et l'ayant rencontré, il lui dit: Crois-tu au Fils de Dieu?
36 Il répondit: Qui est-il, Seigneur, afin que je croie en lui?
37 Et Jésus lui dit: Tu l'as vu, et c'est lui-même qui te parle.
38 Alors il dit: Je crois, Seigneur, et il se prosterna devant lui.
39 Et Jésus dit: Je suis venu dans ce monde pour rendre un jugement; afin que ceux qui ne voient point, voient; et que ceux qui voient, deviennent aveugles.
40 Et quelques-uns des pharisiens qui étaient avec lui, entendirent cela et lui dirent: Et nous, sommes-nous aussi aveugles?
41 Jésus leur dit: Si vous étiez aveugles, vous n'auriez point de péché; mais maintenant vous dites: Nous voyons; c'est à cause de cela que votre péché subsiste.

Jean 9 Commentary

Chapter 9

Christ give sight to one born blind. (1-7) The account given by the blind man. (8-12) The Pharisees question the man that had been blind. (13-17) They ask concerning him. (18-23) They cast him out. (24-34) Christ's words to the man that had been blind. (35-38) He reproves the Pharisees. (39-41)

Verses 1-7 Christ cured many who were blind by disease or accident; here he cured one born blind. Thus he showed his power to help in the most desperate cases, and the work of his grace upon the souls of sinners, which gives sight to those blind by nature. This poor man could not see Christ, but Christ saw him. And if we know or apprehend anything of Christ, it is because we were first known of him. Christ says of uncommon calamities, that they are not always to be looked on as special punishments of sin; sometimes they are for the glory of God, and to manifest his works. Our life is our day, in which it concerns us to do the work of the day. We must be busy, and not waste day-time; it will be time to rest when our day is done, for it is but a day. The approach of death should quicken us to improve all our opportunities of doing and getting good. What good we have an opportunity to do, we should do quickly. And he that will never do a good work till there is nothing to be objected against, will leave many a good work for ever undone, ( Ecclesiastes 11:4 ) . Christ magnified his power, in making a blind man to see, doing that which one would think more likely to make a seeing man blind. Human reason cannot judge of the Lord's methods; he uses means and instruments that men despise. Those that would be healed by Christ must be ruled by him. He came back from the pool wondering and wondered at; he came seeing. This represents the benefits in attending on ordinances of Christ's appointment; souls go weak, and come away strengthened; go doubting, and come away satisfied; go mourning, and come away rejoicing; go blind, and come away seeing.

Verses 8-12 Those whose eyes are opened, and whose hearts are cleansed by grace, being known to be the same person, but widely different in character, live as monuments to the Redeemer's glory, and recommend his grace to all who desire the same precious salvation. It is good to observe the way and method of God's works, and they will appear the more wonderful. Apply this spiritually. In the work of grace wrought upon the soul we see the change, but we see not the hand that makes it: the way of the Spirit is like that of the wind, which thou hearest the sound of, but canst not tell whence it comes, nor whither it goes.

Verses 13-17 Christ not only worked miracles on the sabbath, but in such a manner as would give offence to the Jews, for he would not seem to yield to the scribes and Pharisees. Their zeal for mere rites consumed the substantial matters of religion; therefore Christ would not give place to them. Also, works of necessity and mercy are allowed, and the sabbath rest is to be kept, in order to the sabbath work. How many blind eyes have been opened by the preaching of the gospel on the Lord's day! how many impotent souls cured on that day! Much unrighteous and uncharitable judging comes from men's adding their own fancies to God's appointments. How perfect in wisdom and holiness was our Redeemer, when his enemies could find nothing against him, but the oft-refuted charge of breaking the sabbath! May we be enabled, by well-doing, to silence the ignorance of foolish men.

Verses 18-23 The Pharisees vainly hoped to disprove this notable miracle. They expected a Messiah, but could not bear to think that this Jesus should be he, because his precepts were all contrary to their traditions, and because they expected a Messiah in outward pomp and splendour. The fear of man brings a snare, ( Proverbs 29:25 ) , and often makes people deny and disown Christ and his truths and ways, and act against their consciences. The unlearned and poor, who are simple-hearted, readily draw proper inferences from the evidences of the light of the gospel; but those whose desires are another way, though ever learning, never come to the knowledge of the truth.

Verses 24-34 As Christ's mercies are most valued by those who have felt the want of them, that have been blind, and now see; so the most powerful and lasting affections to Christ, arise from actual knowledge of him. In the work of grace in the soul, though we cannot tell when, and how, and by what steps the blessed change was wrought, yet we may take the comfort, if we can say, through grace, Whereas I was blind, now I see. I did live a worldly, sensual life, but, thanks be to God, it is now otherwise with me, ( Ephesians 5:8 ) . The unbelief of those who enjoy the means of knowledge and conviction, is indeed marvellous. All who have felt the power and grace of the Lord Jesus, wonder at the wilfulness of others who reject him. He argues strongly against them, not only that Jesus was not a sinner, but that he was of God. We may each of us know by this, whether we are of God or not. What do we? What do we for God? What do we for our souls? What do we more than others?

Verses 35-38 Christ owns those who own him and his truth and ways. There is particular notice taken of such a suffer in the cause of Christ, and for the testimony of a good conscience. Our Lord Jesus graciously reveals himself to the man. Now he was made sensible what an unspeakable mercy it was, to be cured of his blindness, that he might see the Son of God. None but God is to be worshipped; so that in worshipping Jesus, he owned him to be God. All who believe in him, will worship him.

Verses 39-41 Christ came into the world to give sight to those who were spiritually blind. Also, that those who see might be made blind; that those who have a high conceit of their own wisdom, might be sealed up in ignorance. The preaching of the cross was thought to be folly by such as by carnal wisdom knew not God. Nothing fortifies men's corrupt hearts against the convictions of the word, more than the high opinion which others have of them; as if all that gained applause with men, must obtain acceptance with God. Christ silenced them. But the sin of the self-conceited and self-confident remains; they reject the gospel of grace, therefore the guilt of their sin remains unpardoned, and the power of their sin remains unbroken.

Jean 9 Commentaries

The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.