What Do We Learn about Jesus from His Healing the Blind Man in John 9?

The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would. Scroll to the bottom to view this video in its entirety. 

In John, Chapter 9, we see another miracle. We see how Jesus healed the man who was blind. There's a lot of other aspects of that. But the best part to me about that, is Jesus was looking for opportunities to open someone's eyes. Not only physically open their eyes, but open their spiritual eyes. We need to look for opportunities. We need to keep our eyes open so that when we notice when someone has that question, that we can respond to. The Holy Spirit gives us the words to say to help someone else's eyes be opened. They may not come completely open. They may not be open to everything, but there'll be that aha moment. If we are in tune with the Lord on a daily basis, we don't want to miss that moment to help someone else see, for the first time.