Jeremias 31:10-20

10 “Ouçam a palavra do SENHOR, ó nações,e proclamem nas ilhas distantes:‘Aquele que dispersou Israel o reuniráe, como pastor, vigiará o seu rebanho’.
11 O SENHOR resgatou Jacóe o libertou das mãos do que é mais forte do que ele.
12 Eles virão e cantarão de alegria nos altos de Sião;ficarão radiantes de alegria pelos muitos bens dados pelo SENHOR:o cereal, o vinho novo, o azeite puro,as crias das ovelhas e das vacas.Serão como um jardim bem regado,e não mais se entristecerão.
13 Então as moças dançarão de alegria,como também os jovens e os velhos.Transformarei o lamento deles em júbilo;eu lhes darei consolo e alegria em vez de tristeza.
14 Satisfarei os sacerdotes com fartura;e o meu povo será saciado pela minha bondade”,declara o SENHOR.
15 Assim diz o SENHOR:“Ouve-se uma voz em Ramá,lamentação e amargo choro;é Raquel, que chora por seus filhose recusa ser consolada,porque os seus filhos já não existem”.
16 Assim diz o SENHOR:“Contenha o seu choroe as suas lágrimas,pois o seu sofrimento será recompensado”,declara o SENHOR.“Eles voltarão da terra do inimigo.
17 Por isso há esperança para o seu futuro”,declara o SENHOR.“Seus filhos voltarão para a sua pátria.
18 “Ouvi claramente Efraim lamentando-se:‘Tu me disciplinaste como a um bezerro indomado,e fui disciplinado.Traze-me de volta, e voltarei,porque tu és o SENHOR, o meu Deus.
19 De fato, depois de desviar-me,eu me arrependi;depois que entendi, bati no meu peito.Estou envergonhado e humilhadoporque trago sobre mima desgraça da minha juventude’.
20 Não é Efraim o meu filho querido?O filho em quem tenho prazer?Cada vez que eu falo sobre Efraim,mais intensamente me lembro dele.Por isso, com ansiedade o tenho em meu coração;tenho por ele grande compaixão”,declara o SENHOR.

Jeremias 31:10-20 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter is connected with the former, respects the same times, and is full of prophecies and promises of spiritual blessings; of the coming of Christ; of the multiplication of his people, and the increase of their joy; of the conversion of the Gentiles; of the covenant of grace; and of the stability of the saints. It begins with the principal promise of the covenant, confirmed by past experience, of divine goodness, and with a fresh declaration of God's everlasting love, Jer 31:1-3; an instance of which would appear, in planting vines or churches in Samaria, the metropolis of Ephraim or the ten tribes, under the ministry of the apostles, the watchmen, on Mount Ephraim; whereby the Israel of God would be built, beautified, and made to rejoice, Jer 31:4-6; yea, it would be matter of joy to all that heard of it; since, notwithstanding distance and other difficulties, a great number should come to Christ, and to his church, drawn by the Father's love to them, and as owing to the relation he stands in to them, Jer 31:7-9; redemption out of the hands of Satan, and every spiritual enemy, must be published among the Gentiles; which would cause great joy, and give great satisfaction to the priests and people of the Lord, expressed by various metaphors, Jer 31:10-14; and though, upon the birth of the Redeemer, there would be an event, which might tend to damp the joy of saints on account of it, the murder of the infants at Bethlehem; yet some things are said to encourage faith, hope, and joy, and to abate sorrow and weeping, Jer 31:15-17; Ephraim's affliction, and behaviour under it, his repentance and reception, are recorded, Jer 31:18-20; backsliding Israel are called upon to return, in consideration of the birth of the Messiah, Jer 31:21,22; the happy and flourishing estate of the people of God is promised; all which were made known to the prophet by a dream in the night, Jer 31:23-26; and fresh promises are made, that the Lord would do them good, and not punish the children for their fathers' sins, but everyone for their own, Jer 31:28-30; and then an account is given of the new covenant of grace, as distinct from the old, and of the articles of it; the inscription of the law in the heart, spiritual knowledge of the Lord, and remission of sin, Jer 31:31-34; then follow assurances of the everlasting continuance of the true Israel and church of God, Jer 31:35-37; and the chapter is concluded with a promise of rebuilding the city of Jerusalem, and of the holiness of it, and of its abiding for ever, Jer 31:38-40.

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