Search Results for will be with you forever

Found 550 Results for will be with you forever
10 Scriptures to Prepare Your Heart for Thanksgiving

Micah Maddox

The season of thankfulness is upon us! But as believers, we are called to praise God and give thanks all year long. So no matter what time of the year it is, these 10 beautiful verses can help you tur...

Does the Bible Advise Us about Dealing with Grief?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

How do you effectively cope with grief, and what wisdom does the Bible offer in guiding us through this process?...

How Galatians 1:10 Challenges Us to Please God, Not Other People

Emma Danzey

Will we act like the world to be loved by the world, or will we be set apart as a witness to Jesus? Will we honor family, friends, or even ministries more than honoring Christ? Will we use our words t...

Why We Must Understand That God Removed Our Sins “as Far as the East Is from the West”

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This speaks volumes to what God chooses to do when he forgives our sin. God’s act of forgiveness towards us is purposeful and intentional. He chooses to display his mercy towards us in the act of forg...

What Was the Prophet Micah Known For?

Jason Soroski

Micah is known for bringing a message of judgement and restoration that would spur a revival in the land of Judah. Among the prophets of the Old Testament, he is perhaps the most vocal in his demands ...

Can Prayer Change God’s Will?

Kelly O'Dell Stanley

God aligns our will with His through time spent with Him in prayer, and that — all other consequences being equal, he might allow us one thing instead of another because he gives good gifts to his chi...

A Beautiful Easter Prayer for Resurrection Sunday

Noelle Kirchner

Easter invites believers to exchange Lent's solemn contemplation for celebration as we remember Jesus Christ's victory. Here is an Easter prayer to reflect on that change and rejoice in our new life....

Does the Bible Tell Us When Judgement Day Will Happen?

Blair Parke

Although a specific date is not given for when Judgement Day occurs, the events shared in Revelation are clues for Christians to know when we are getting closer to Jesus’ return. The clues may appear ...

Does God Have Emotions?

Rebekah Drumsta

Not only can emotions be a guide to help us learn more about ourselves, but they can also direct us to learn more about the One who made them. We are crafted in God’s likeness; this includes the posse...

What Does it Mean to be Baptized in the Spirit?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Christianity has two camps on the work of the Holy Spirit. Depending on the camp, what it means to be baptized in the Spirit is very different. So what does Holy Spirit baptism really mean?...

What Can We Learn from "Today You Will Be With Me in Paradise"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

"Today you will be with me in paradise" may be the most shocking statement in the Easter narrative. Can being saved really be that simple?...

10 Bible Verses for Reflection on the Fourth of July

G. Connor Salter

These Bible verses help us remember on the Fourth of July why values like freedom and defending the helpless are so important....

What Do We Learn from Reading Jesus’ Genealogy?

Heather Adams

Honestly, I used to be confused and put off by these “family trees” myself. But as I started to read more of the Bible, they started to come alive.  Each member is part of a beautiful tapestry wo...

5 Biblical Truths from the Song "Mary Did You Know?"

Kristi Walker

You've probably heard it on the radio, and probably by quite a few different singers. You've also probably heard some of the criticism of the song "Mary Did You Know," as folks love to point out that ...

Can We Really Eat and Drink for the Glory of God?

Kristi Walker

Like so many things, food and drink can either control us, or we can be the one in control. (The fruit of the Spirit includes self-control, Galatians 5:22-23 reminds us.) We can choose to use what we ...

How Can I Learn to See the Plank in My Eye? (Luke 6:42)

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Following Christ means allowing Him to be the judge and to forgive as He forgives. Here are three simple ways to avoid hypocrisy and remove the plank in your own eye....

Why Did People in the Bible Offer Burnt Offerings?

Jessica Brodie

People offered burnt offerings as a way to atone for their wrongdoings, to show appreciation for the Lord, and because they saw it as a way to appease God, whose wrath they feared. They hoped it would...