Search Results for isaiah 5

Found 471 Results for isaiah 5
What Does God Look Like?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

What does God look like? Perhaps, following the psalmist, we turn to poetry and hymnody to answer. When you know your sins are forgiven, and the God of all Creation is your own Father, God looks like ...

Scripture Reminds Us That God Is Patient – until He Isn’t

Dawn Wilson

We must not mistake God’s patience for His grace. A person who continues in sinful habits without experiencing immediate judgment may falsely reason there will be no consequences. Though God is incred...

7 Proofs that Jesus is the Son of God

Bethany Verrett

In general public spheres, many agree that Jesus was a real historical figure - even a prophet. But what sets Christianity apart is the claim that Jesus is the Son of God. Where in the Bible are there...

The Holy Spirit and the Scandal of Christ's Birth

Sometimes when we come to passages like Matthew’s condensed Christmas story, we don’t come with that childlike curiosity and wonder—looking at the everyday with awe, perceiving the familiar as fascina...

5 Ways to Truly Enjoy Christ

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Enjoying Christ is all about the relationship you share with him, and if you miss this, then you miss it all. The fact is you have someone you can be completely transparent with, who knows everything ...

Does God Forgive All of Our Sins?

Jessica Brodie

The good news is that God will forgive our sins. In the early days, people sacrificed animals and did other rituals to make up for their wrongdoings, but these things had to be done over and over agai...

Why Does Jesus Call Us to Surrender?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

In Matthew 6:10, Jesus instructs us to pray "your kingdom come, your will be done." Easier said than done, most days. What does this call to surrender mean, and why would it look like to live this out...

What Does the Bible Say about Aliens and Extraterrestrial Beings?

Emma Danzey

As believers, it is important to have a viewpoint on what we believe about extraterrestrial beings. Today we will be exploring, what does the Bible say about aliens. ...

How Should We Celebrate Christmas at Church?

Lisa Loraine Baker

A fine line exists between worshipful music and performance. It’s the responsibility of the church leaders to make sure those in the Sanctuary are directed in thought and praise to Jesus, not in wonde...

7 Verses That Encourage Us to Have Faith over Fear

Micah Maddox

The hope we have is that God’s Word gives us everything we need to fight against the fears that seem to come at us at the most inconvenient times. We do not have to live riddled with anxious thoughts,...

What Can the Jars of Clay Bible Verse Teach Us Today?

Melissa Henderson

Why does the Bible use "jars of clay" to talk about something Jesus gave us?...

Who Was Jesse in the Bible?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Jesse was an ordinary man, from a small clan, and out of his seed came the greatest natural king Israel ever had, David. Also, from the line of David came the King of all kings, the One who is greater...

What Is the Chronological Order of the 66 Books of the Bible?

Jessica Brodie

The Bible is indeed a well-organized collection of writings penned by more than two dozen authors spanning thousands of years. Instead of being organized chronologically, it is organized by literary g...

Will We Recognize Friends in Heaven?

Will we have personal identity in heaven? And will we recognize family and friends?...

How Can We Embrace a Contrite Heart and Spirit?

Stephanie Englehart

When it comes to our sin, is it enough to just say sorry? In Psalm 51:17, David is crying out to God for forgiveness. He says that his sacrifice to God is a "broken and contrite heart." But what exact...

7 Crucial Reasons We Need to Remember God's Word

Ruth Clemence

The Bible is a long and often confusing book, and it's hard to remember all of the truths found within. But when we take time to sit down and read these words, we are reminded of God's goodnes...

When Does Advent Start This Year? - 2019 Dates

Liz Kanoy

Advent marks the start of a season of preparation that looks forward to the celebration of Christmas and the second coming of Christ....

What Does Paul Mean by Godly Sorrow?

Heather Adams

True godly sorrow is founded on the Lord. In order to feel it, then, we first have to know what pleases God. The Bible lays out His standard for us, as well as His Laws. And any success we have in thi...

3 Beautiful Prayers for Christmas Eve

Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Prayer is a wonderful way to prepare your heart to receive the true blessings of Christmas. Here are some prayers for you to enjoy on Christmas Eve....