Search Results for ge 9

Found 421 Results for ge 9
Psalm 88:8

?EXPOSITION Verse 8. Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me. If ever we need friends it is in the dreary hour of despondency and the weary t...

Hebron (1)

HEBRON (1) he'-brun (chebhron, league or confederacy; Chebron): One of the most ancient and important cities in Southern Palestine, now known to the ...

Judges 8

The Book of JudgesChapter 8Chapter Overview: Gideon pacifies the Ephraimites, ver. 1 - 3. Pursues the Midianites, ver. 4 - 12. Chastises the men of...


MOSES mo'-zez, mo'-ziz (mosheh; Egyptian mes, drawn out, born; Septuagint Mouse(s)). The great Hebrew national hero, leader, author, law-giver and pro...

Eschatology Of The Old Testament

ESCHATOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT es-ka-tol'-o-ji \Contents - (A) Scope of Article (B) Dr. Charles' Work (C) Individual Religion in Israel \I. FUNDAM...

Day of the Lord, God, Christ, the

Day of the Lord, God, Christ, the Expression, often in the context of future events, which refers to the time when God will intervene decisively for j...

Babel, Tower Of

BABEL, TOWER OF This expression does not occur in the Old Testament, but is used popularly for the tower mighdol built by the inhabitants of the world...

Psalm 143:6

Verse 6. I stretch forth my hands unto thee. He was eager for his God. His thoughts of God kindled in him burning desires, and these led to energetic ...

The King ?Ps ii ,

II. THE KING. 1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel...


SATAN sa'-tan (saTan), adversary, from the verb saTan, to lie in wait (as adversary); Satan, Satanas, adversary, diabolos, Devil, adversary or accuser...

Proverbs 2

Chapter?2Solomon, having foretold the destruction of those who are obstinate in their impiety, in this chapter applies himself to those who are willin...

Colossians 3



Footnotes(1 )He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He...

Judas 1

JUDASDivisi?n de los p?rrafos en traducciones modernas*Reina Valera 1960RV1960La Biblia de las AmericasLBLADios Habla HoyDHHBiblia JerusalenBJSaludo a...

Genesis 22

Chapter?22We have here the famous story of Abraham?s offering up his son Isaac, that is, his offering to offer him, which is justly looked upon as one...

Maccabees, Books Of, 3-5

MACCABEES, BOOKS OF, 3-5 III. 3 Maccabees. 1. Name: The name 3 Maccabees, though occurring in the oldest manuscripts and VSS, is quite unsuitable, b...

The Divine Likeness in Man

THE LIKENESS OF GOD IN MAN. Sec. II. Scripture nowhere says of any one of the visible creatures that surround us, that it is created after the imag...

John 19:14

John 19:14 And it was the preparation of the passover So the Jews F24 say, that Jesus suffered on the eve of the passover; and the author of the blasp...

Psalm 69:4

?EXPOSITIONVerse 4. They that hate me. Surprising sin that men should hate the altogether lovely one, truly is it added, without a cause, for reason ...

Leviticus 15

Chapter?15In this chapter we have laws concerning other ceremonial uncleannesses contracted either by bodily disease like that of the leper, or some n...