Search Results for luke 23

Found 350 Results for luke 23
What Is Recompense and How Does God Restore Us?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Throughout the Bible, recompense has various meanings, some in a favorable sense and some in an unfavorable sense. This same word can be translated as repayment, benefit, compensation, retaliation, re...

What Is Apostasy and How Can We Combat It?

Kyle Blevins

We don't hear the term “apostasy” much anymore. The term describes something the Bible takes very seriously, which may be happening where we least expect it....

5 Things You Won't Believe Are NOT in the Bible

Cindi McMenamin

Would you believe there are some secular sayings that sound so religious people often believe they came from the Bible?  These pieces of presumed Christian “wisdom” can sound bibl...

What Does God Teach Us in the Story of the Writing on the Wall?

Hope Bolinger

A bizarre and somewhat disturbing passage happens mid-way through the book of Daniel. During a party, thrown by the grandson of King Nebuchadnezzar, a large hand appears and inscribes four words on ...

Why Is Jesus Our Good Shepherd?

Ruth Clemence

Without Jesus, we are “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). Without God’s initiation, we are lost, dead in sin, and alienated from Him completely. Isaiah 53:6 says, “W...

Scripture Tells Us Our Lives Are Precious – Every One of Us

Emma Danzey

If we have Jesus, we have life, today, right now, and in this very moment. No more waiting around for heaven. We look forward to our eternal hope, but we live in the present with fullness of His Spiri...

What Is Quiet Time?

Linda Lyle

While peace and quiet calms us physically, we also need quiet time with God to restore us spiritually....

8 Verses to Encourage Those Who Feel All Alone

Allie Boman

Scripture confirms that people are made for relationships, that our lives are meant to be interconnected with others. If you are feeling all alone in this season of life, may these 8 verses encourage ...

Why Does the Bible Elevate Gentleness?

Heather Adams

Looking at how our Heavenly Father is described throughout both the Old and New Testaments starts to give us a sense that this attribute is active, passionate and impactful to those who receive it....

What Does It Mean that God Loves a Cheerful Giver?

Britt Mooney

God calls us to do certain things, but he wants us to obey from love rather than obligation. That’s why the apostle Paul writes that God loves a cheerful giver....

12 Ways Christians Can Relieve Stress

Heather Adams

I’ve come to see that through God’s strength, I can break the hold stress has on me when it hits. And sometimes, the simplest things are the most effective. Here are some ways I’m learning to handle t...

Does Mark 11:25 Mean We Can’t Pray Until We Forgive Others?

Mike Leake

Jesus is showing that forgiveness is at the heart of His new community. One cannot merely offer outward expressions of religiosity. There needed to be real inward transformation. If you hate your brot...

How Can Christians Achieve the Mind of Christ?

Cathy Baker

What helps us to have the mind of Christ, and what do we gain when we search for it?...

Why Did the People Choose Barabbas over Jesus?

Hope Bolinger

Just before His crucifixion, Jesus is put before the Jewish people and given a chance of freedom. The crowd is offered the chance to free one prisoner: Jesus, or a man named Barabbas. They make the wr...

What Does It Take to Pursue God's Way, Not Our Own?

Robert Martinez

The Bible is clear that following Christ is not a passive activity! We cannot continue to live our old lives while pursuing the perfect righteousness of Christ. We need to put our trust in God and His...

Why Should We "Render Unto Caesar What Is Caesar's"?

Jason Soroski

We often hear this verse around tax season, and thus it isn't many people's favorite piece of Scripture. But Jesus was making an important point when he told us to "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's...

Can Prayer Change God’s Will?

Kelly O'Dell Stanley

God aligns our will with His through time spent with Him in prayer, and that — all other consequences being equal, he might allow us one thing instead of another because he gives good gifts to his chi...

What Is the Significance of a Plumb Line in the Bible?

Greg Grandchamp

Even today, the plumb line of God’s law serves as a guideline for those saved by grace through faith. Jesus quite specifically taught that he had not come to abolish the Law, but rather to fulfill it....

Why Do We Go to Church?

Heather Adams

God calls us to this “holy habit” for several vital reasons. He designed us to live in relationship, with Him and with other believers, and church is where we celebrate how God works in and around us ...

Why Do We Believe In and Follow Christ?

Pamela Palmer

To understand why we believe and follow Jesus, it is vital to understand who Jesus is. ...