Search Results for ps 34

Found 865 Results for ps 34
Homily 33

Homily XXXIII.Homily XXXIII. Hebrews xii. 28, 29.-Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace [or gratitude,](1) whereby...

Homily LXXIII.

Homily LXXIII.Homily LXXIII. John xiii. 36.-Simon Peter said unto Him, Lord, whither goest thou? Jesus answered him, Whither I go thou canst not follo...

5.5.1. Blood Stained Garments

One reason this intervention of Christ will come upon an unsuspecting world is because much teaching concerning Jesus reduces Him from His full three...

13.1. Trouble Ahead

A major theme throughout Scripture is the impending arrival of God?s Kingdom on earth. Although the Kingdom will be a time of great blessing, peace, ...

Zechariah 7

Chapter?7We have done with the visions, but not with the revelations of this book; the prophet sees no more such signs as he had seen, but still the w...

1 Kings 20

Chapter?20This chapter is the history of a war between Ben-hadad king of Syria and Ahab king of Israel, in which Ahab was, once and again, victorious....

Romans 2

Chapter?2The scope of the first two chapters of this epistle may be gathered from ch.?3:9 , We have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they ar...

Exodus 16

Chapter?16This chapter gives us an account of the victualling of the camp of Israel. I. Their complaint for want of bread (v.?1-3). II. The notice God...

Matthew 21

Chapter?21The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the two main hinges upon which the door of salvation turns. He came into the world on purpose...

Joshua 5

Chapter?5Israel have now got over Jordan, and the waters which had opened before them, to favour their march forward, are closed again behind them, to...

2 Samuel 15

Chapter?15Absalom?s name signifies the peace of his father,?? yet he proves his greatest trouble; so often are we disappointed in our expectations fro...

Exodus 34

Chapter?34God having in the foregoing chapter intimated to Moses his reconciliation to Israel, here gives proofs of it, proceeding to settle his coven...

Exodus 12

Chapter?12This chapter gives an account of one of the most memorable ordinances, and one of the most memorable providences, of all that are recorded i...

Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6. REDEMPTION FOR MAN LOST TO BE SOUGHT IN CHRIST. The parts of this chapter are, I. The excellence of the doctrine of Christ the Redeemer--a...

Genesis 30

Chapter?30In this chapter we have an account of the increase, I. Of Jacob?s family. Eight children more we find registered in this chapter; Dan and Na...

Psalms 107

Chapter?107The psalmist, having in the two foregoing psalms celebrated the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, in his dealings with his church in part...

The Tenth Book


Psalms 82

Chapter?82This psalm is calculated for the meridian of princes? courts and courts of justice, not in Israel only, but in other nations; yet it was pro...

Joshua 14

Chapter?14Here is, I. The general method that was taken in dividing the land (v.?1-5). II. The demand Caleb made of Hebron, as his by promise, and the...

Jeremiah 52

Chapter?52History is the best expositor of prophecy; and therefore, for the better understanding of the prophecies of this book which relate to the de...