Search Results for will be with you forever

Found 550 Results for will be with you forever
4 Ways God Guides Us through Seasons of Change and Transition

Rachel Britton

Our world, created and managed by God, is structured to meet the physical needs of all creatures, including humanity. But, as Matthew 6:26 declares, human beings are much more valuable than animals or...

Why Is God a "Consuming Fire"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

In Scripture, fire can be used as a form of judgment but it is also used in purification or refining. With that being the case, what are the things God would turn his attention to consuming or burning...

6 Beautiful Truths about Biblical Hope

Lia Martin

The Psalms are replete with hope in God for deliverance. Isaiah 40:31 assures us those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. Even Job, in his inconceivable situation, proclaims “Though he sl...

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control

Emma Danzey

Maybe it is not food that challenges you. Perhaps it is shopping, binging tv, social media, your work, or your temper? Whatever you cannot seem to get under control is a sin issue. We all need the hel...

7 Things We Can Do Today to Support Persecuted Believers

Bethany Verrett

Sometimes we can feel hopeless, like there is nothing to be done to support brothers and sisters who are suffering. God assures His people that He loves them and sees them, but He also encourages Chri...

Yes, You Have a Powerful Testimony to Share with Others

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

A testimony is a personal account of what God has done in your life. It will include your experiences or transformations. When done properly, your testimony should leave people in awe of who God is.&n...

Why Ezra, the Prophet and Priest, Has Such a Powerful Story

Melissa Henderson

Ezra was a scribe and a priest. We read about him in the Old Testament. Although details of his birth, youth, and family information are not shared in Scripture, we learn that Ezra was a man dedicated...

What Exactly Is Our Spirit?

Bethany Verrett

The spirit of a person was put in them so they could connect with God and be like Him. Just as part of God’s character is Spirit, people have spirit that endows on them the image of God....

What Is the Cultural Significance of Sharing a Meal?

Heidi Vegh

We see in the New Testament that Jesus held this tradition in high esteem and proceeded to place a high significance on sharing a meal throughout His ministry. We often find Him reclining at a table, ...

What Does Paraclete Mean in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

When we learn another language, it brings the words to life. Paraclete has a particularly powerful meaning in the Bible, which we won't fully understand until we look at the original language....

7 Tips to Encourage Your Youth Leaders

Allie Boman

Those who work with middle- and high-schoolers are some of the greatest unsung heroes around. They are called to lead young people into a vibrant relationship with Christ, and they often carry their...

How to Pray for a Miracle

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

God can work a miracle at any time, for any person, for any reason. There is only one requirement needed for you to become a candidate for a miracle. You need to have a problem. ...

What Is the Bible’s Definition of Backslide?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The word “backslide” can have many connotations, but what does backslide mean in the Bible? To answer that question, we must first consider what people have backslidden from, and then whether their po...

Why Are There So Many Different Bible Translations?

Emma Danzey

May we remember the gift and the privilege to even have one full version of the Scriptures in our English language. We are in the top 10% around the world. Not only this, but we have multiple translat...

The Women in Christ's Life: Mary, Mother of Jesus

Over the next several months, I want to share with you about women who have impacted my life because of their relationship with Jesus. I believe you, too, will connect with them and discover how God h...

What Is the Will of God & How Should Christians Interpret It?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

You cannot separate the will of God in the believer’s life from the cross of Christ in His Son our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our lives follow the ruling motif of the cross of Christ. And in this we are sa...

10 Bible Verses to Pray over Your Children

Micah Maddox

We all want to know that what we are doing for our children makes an impact on their lives. There is nothing more powerful that you can do in the life of your child than pray for them. You can train...

Why Do We Say Jesus Is Our Passover Lamb?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Multiple times, the Bible talks about Jesus being the lamb of God, the perfect Passover lamb. What does this mean and how does it affect our understanding of his sacrifice?  ...

5 Lessons from the Parable of the 10 Virgins

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The parable of the 10 virgins is a wake-up call. First to those who don’t know Jesus, but it goes beyond that. The unprepared virgins in the story had lamps. ...

What Does it Mean That God Is Wise?

Aaron Brown

Would you consider yourself wise or a fool? What would other people estimate about you? Scripture speaks plenty about wisdom, and multiple times portrays the wise in direct contrast with the foolish....