Search Results for ps 28

Found 1157 Results for ps 28
Psalms 32

Chapter?32This psalm, though it speaks not of Christ, as many of the psalms we have hitherto met with have done, has yet a great deal of gospel in it....

Psalms 109

Chapter?109Whether David penned this psalm when he was persecuted by Saul, or when his son Absalom rebelled against him, or upon occasion of some othe...

Zechariah 3

Chapter?3The vision in the foregoing chapter gave assurances of the re-establishing of the civil interests of the Jewish nation, the promises of which...


\\INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS 10\\ In this chapter are contained an account of the two righteousnesses of faith and works, a summary of the Gospel of Chr...

Psalm 35:1

PSALM 35 OVERVIEW Title. A Psalm of David. Here is all we know concerning this Psalm, but internal evidence seems to fix the date of its composition i...

Revelation 22:20

Surely I am coming quickly Surely is ??? [nai] : ?yes, indeed, certainly, in solemn assurance.?1 It has been over 1900 years since Jesus spoke these...

Genesis 32

Chapter?32We have here Jacob still upon his journey towards Canaan. Never did so many memorable things occur in any march as in this of Jacob?s little...

Homily XLV.

Homily XLV.Homily XLV. John vi. 28-30.-Then said they unto Him, What shall we do,(1) that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto...

1 Samuel 21

Chapter?21David has now quite taken leave both of Saul?s court and of his camp, has bidden farewell to his alter idem?his other self, the beloved Jona...

Matthew 21

Chapter?21The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the two main hinges upon which the door of salvation turns. He came into the world on purpose...

Psalms 19

Chapter?19There are two excellent books which the great God has published for the instruction and edification of the children of men; this psalm treat...

Psalms 26

Chapter?26Holy David is in this psalm putting himself upon a solemn trial, not by God and his country, but by God and his own conscience, to both whic...

Isaiah 7

Chapter?7This chapter is an occasional sermon, in which the prophet sings both of mercy and judgment to those that did not perceive or understand eith...

Job 28

Chapter?28The strain of this chapter is very unlike the rest of this book. Job forgets his sores, and all his sorrows, and talks like a philosopher or...

Psalm 143:1

PSALM 143 OVERVIEW. Title. A Psalm of David. It is so much like other Davidic psalms that we accept the title without a moment's hesitation. David's h...

Psalms 47

Chapter?47The scope of this psalm is to stir us up to praise God, to stir up all people to do so; and, I. We are directed in what manner to do it, pub...

Homily VI.

Homily VI.Homily VI. Philippians ii. 5-8.-Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, counted it not a prize...

Exodus 34

Chapter?34God having in the foregoing chapter intimated to Moses his reconciliation to Israel, here gives proofs of it, proceeding to settle his coven...

Acts 2

Chapter 22:3? And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. cloven tongues tongues, as of fire, parting a...

Ezekiel 12

Chapter?12Though the vision of God?s glory had gone up from the prophet, yet his word comes to him still, and is by him sent to the people, and to the...