Search Results for 1 timothy

Found 397 Results for 1 timothy
What Is the Chronological Order of the 66 Books of the Bible?

Jessica Brodie

The Bible is indeed a well-organized collection of writings penned by more than two dozen authors spanning thousands of years. Instead of being organized chronologically, it is organized by literary g...

4 Biblical Reasons Women Can Be Leaders in the Church

Barbara Latta

As long as a woman feeling led to contribute to a church meeting respects the authority of the pastorate, she can scripturally teach. Also, a married woman would need to agree with her husband about h...

Are Women Really “Saved Through Childbearing”?

The phrase sounds extremely sexist and abrasive, even non-sensical to the modern ear. But there is truth and freedom here if we are willing to go looking for it....

Why Is It So Important (and Refreshing!) to Praise the Lord?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Many think they can praise the Lord only in a corporate setting, such as weekly church services or along with others at a conference or worship music event. But there are so many ways we can praise th...

4 Prayers for Courage to Do the Right Thing

Rachel Britton

The Bible instructs us to make every effort to do what is right in the eyes of God. But God’s Word does not just give us instructions, it shows us by example how to do the right thing. Through real st...

How Is "All of Scripture God-Breathed"?

Meg Bucher

Scripture is the Holy Word of God. Every word of it, though written by human hands, is true and reliable. We can know this because the Bible has God's fingerprints on every page - it is an incredible ...

Why Is Money the Root of All Evil?

Meg Bucher

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (1 Timothy 6:10).Paul warned Timothy of the c...

10 Powerful Principles to Endure Suffering

Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Suffering will indeed come, but God can give us grace and power to overcome every trial and to fulfill our purpose and mission in His kingdom. In his second epistle to Timothy, the Apostle Paul shares...

The Role of Women in the Church: Are We Missing the Mark?

Eric Costanzo

There has been much debate regarding the “created order” and “the Fall” in Genesis 1-3, and how they relate to women preaching, teaching, and leading in the church according t...

Why Does the Apostle Paul Tell Women to Be Silent and Not to Teach?

Catherine Segars

Given the litany of examples from Scripture where women pray, praise, prophesy over and instruct nations, much less congregations, why this prohibition? Two New Testament passages are frequently refer...

10 Examples of Generosity in the Bible

Timothy L. Smith

I’ve been a fundraiser most of my life. At the age of 19 I started in the work of fundraising and never looked back.In this career path, I have been exposed to generosity of the greatest magnitude. Bu...

3 Reminders from Paul about Being Homebound during COVID-19

Kristi Walker

It seems like the whole world is quarantined, housebound, or in isolation right now due to the coronavirus (COVID 19). Does the Bible have any advice for us during this time? Yes, in fact, it does. Th...

Is the Bema Seat Reserved for Christians or Unbelievers in the End Times?

Lisa Loraine Baker

In the Bible, The Bema Seat is the title given the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:10). The judgment of each Christian is not a determination of who will enter heaven, because t...

How Many Books of the Bible Did Paul Write?

Pamela Palmer

An important part of Paul’s ministry was to keep in touch with Christians and churches, to encourage them in their faith and to help them avoid heresy or get persuaded to believe anything other than t...

What Is the Meaning of Modesty in the Bible?

Meg Bucher

Knowledge of who we are in Christ is crucial to a life of biblical modesty. Modesty is simplicity. Jesus sets the example of the life we are to lead in the pages of Scripture. Living a simple and mode...

10 Beautiful End Time Promises to Give You Hope (Not Fear)

When I watch the news, my heart beats a little faster, and I start to feel anxious and concerned about the future. Alarming news of natural disasters, political upheaval, vicious wars, and indescribab...

Did Christ Actually Empty Himself Via Kenosis (Self-Emptying)?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The kenosis theory states Christ gave up some of His divine attributes—such as omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence—during His incarnation as a man. ...

Why Should We Bother to Read Biblical Genealogies?

Mike Leake

The apostle Paul says to young Timothy that “all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness…” Be honest, do you ever q...

Who Was Demas and What Do We Learn from His Errors?

Debbie W. Wilson

Perhaps the sacrifice of serving alongside Paul began to wear on him. He saw other men his age settling down and enjoying the pleasures of this life. Would it be so wrong to sample the good life?...

What Does the Bible Say about Gossip?

Kathy Collard Miller

The Bible warns us about gossip very clearly. So what can we learn from its advice?...