Search Results for 2 corinthians 13:14

Found 67 Results for 2 corinthians 13:14
What Does It Mean that Christians Live Under a New Covenant?

Britt Mooney

For the people of God today, what does it mean for us to live under the new covenant?...

Why Should We Confess Sin if It Is Already Forgiven?

Kristi Walker

God has forgiven all my sins, canceled the charge or debt I owed and nailed it to the cross, why must I still constantly be confessing my sins? Christ died for it on the cross, paying the wage for my ...

The Holy Spirit and the Scandal of Christ's Birth

Sometimes when we come to passages like Matthew’s condensed Christmas story, we don’t come with that childlike curiosity and wonder—looking at the everyday with awe, perceiving the familiar as fascina...

What Does Paraclete Mean in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

When we learn another language, it brings the words to life. Paraclete has a particularly powerful meaning in the Bible, which we won't fully understand until we look at the original language....

Out of Life’s Storms Emerge Champions

Frank Santora

The so-called “Ice Bowl” of 1967 was a Super Bowl game played in Wisconsin in a temperature of -15F, with a wind chill of -48F. This was truly a game which tested the mettle of the men on a frozen gri...

A Biblical Guide for Praying over Your Marriage

Liz Auld

This is why we must pray for our marriage through changing circumstances, our commitment is to love our spouse in good times and bad just as God loves us. We should pray for our marriage when things a...

Should the Reality of Demons Scare Us?

Hope Bolinger

With Halloween on the rise and the number of movies and TV shows portraying demonic activity playing regularly on streaming services on movie channels, the idea of demons tends to be at the forefron...

Powerful Scripture Truths about Forgiveness and Why We Must Forgive

Sheila Alewine

The concept of debt forgiveness is essential to understanding God’s view of forgiveness. We can only practice forgiveness to the degree that we are aware of our own need for it, and this begins with o...

Is There a Difference between Religion and Spirituality?

Annette Griffin

These two words evolved so much overtime that their meanings now appear diametrically opposite. But back in the day, the difference between religion and spirituality was rarely considered....

Does the Bible Have Anything to Say about the President?

Emma Danzey

Today we are going to explore what does the Bible say about the president. I pray this will bring us clarity and wisdom in how to handle the variety of personalities from leaders we encounter....

What Can Christians Learn from the Reformation Phrase Soli Deo Gloria?

Lisa Loraine Baker

How does Soli Deo Gloria, a Latin phrase coined centuries ago, impact our lives today?...

Why Do We Go to Church?

Heather Adams

God calls us to this “holy habit” for several vital reasons. He designed us to live in relationship, with Him and with other believers, and church is where we celebrate how God works in and around us ...

23 Verses to Encourage Dad This Father’s Day

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

To find inspiration as a father there is no better place to turn than God’s word and the timeless wisdom found in the Scriptures. God's Word provides a wellspring of encouragement and guidance for you...

How Do Christians Decide When to Take Their First Communion?

Betty Dunn

Why does the age when Christians have their first communion change so much from one church to another?...

What Does ‘Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust’ Mean and Is it in the Bible?

Hope Bolinger

This humbling notion has similar connotations to “ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” Ashes to ashes reminds us that we are but man. ...

Is Patience Really a Virtue according to the Bible?

Hope Bolinger

The phrase “patience is a virtue” did not occur any time during the Old or New Testament. In fact, our first record of this phrase comes from the 1300s from William Langland in his poem Piers Plowman....

Four Ways Prayer Humbles Us — and Why That’s a Good Thing

Michelle S. Lazurek

When we spend a considerable amount of time in prayer, we admit to God that we can't handle things on our own. It is with a contrite heart that God can use us in the best ways. Assuming a posture of h...

What Does it Mean to Delight Yourself in the Lord? (Psalm 37:4)

Rhonda Stoppe

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the LORD and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Since it is human nature to battle against self-worship, we are tempted to focus on ...

How to Find Strength in the Lord Like Elijah

Michael Jakes

The prophet Elijah was thrown into the grips of a depression that only God was able to bring him out of. Elijah’s experience teaches us several simple, but valuable lessons we all need to remember as ...