Search Results for beauty

Found 258 Results for beauty
Can We Find Our Own Way to God?

Bethany Verrett

Transcendentalism was a great artistic and philosophical movement of the 19th century. The core tenets of this philosophy was that divinity is in all nature and humanity, and it emphasized a progressi...

How Earthly Worship Prepares Us for Heaven

Sheila Alewine

Do you ever wonder what heaven will be like? While Scripture doesn’t give us a lot of details about what our day-to-day life will be like (or even if there are days, since God operates outside ou...

7 Beautiful Prayers from the Bible to Guide Your Own Prayer Time

Heather Adams

God's people are blessed with the gift, and responsibility, of prayer. One of the most talked about subjects in the Bible, prayer is mentioned in practically every book of the Old and New Testaments. ...

Is Porn a Sin?

Bethany Verrett

The naked human body is the one thing God gave humanity from birth, the only thing they have when they die, and it will be resurrected to stand before the Lord either in judgment, or to be ushered int...

7 Reasons Winter Reminds Us to Hold on to Hope

Ruth Clemence

Many people suffer from seasonal depression or feel down in the winter. The trees seem lifeless, we spend a lot more time inside, and it gets darker earlier and for longer stretches of the day. It can...

Helpful Tips to Pick a Great Topic for Your Group Bible Study

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

One of the best ways to study the Bible is to do it together as a group. The beauty of group study is accountability and motivation. The dynamics of the group can keep you on task and help you stay di...

What Does the Bible Say about Life?

Bethany Verrett

To be given life is the single greatest gift every person and living creature received, or will receive, from Almighty God. Life is years of opportunity to develop a relationship with God, with others...

3 True Ways to Build a Firm Foundation in Christ

Michael Jakes

Though I am not an architect, I am sure that we can all agree that when it comes to the building of structures, foundations are important; a building’s integrity and stability are dependent upon it. A...

God’s Grace - 6 Ways to Understand Its True Meaning

Jennifer Heeren

God rains down grace on all mankind. He gave us the beauty and wonders of nature that we see each and every day. He gives us near misses when accidents are heading our way. He often brings us the ri...

What Does It Mean to “Dwell in the House of the Lord”?

Pamela Palmer

Perhaps what David wrote about being in the presence of the Lord all his days is a concept that draws you in and reminds you how great it is to know the Lord and experience His great love....

The Beauty of Holding Our Possessions in an Open Hand

Candice Lucey

How do people find security when the temporal signs of it – things like a roof over their heads, warm clothes and food – are taken away? It is comforting to remember that Jesus knows what this feels l...

How to Keep Our Focus on Jesus During Holy Week

Debbie McDaniel

This week is the most significant celebration of the year for believers all around the world. It’s Holy Week, the time for remembering Christ’s journey to the cross, the celebration of his Resurrectio...

How Do I Get to Heaven?

Bethany Verrett

The search for the road to heaven is an earnest quest to ensure that whatever comes next, it is better than what happens in this life. Many religions, teachers, and gurus offer their take on paradise,...

What Is Mount Zion and Why Is It So Important?

Annette Griffin

Zion is important because it refers to the land upon which God’s temple was built. For centuries, Mount Zion was where God’s physical presence on Earth dwelt. Of all locations mentioned in Scripture, ...

What Does 'She Is Clothed with Strength and Dignity' Mean in Proverbs 31?

Dolores Smyth

Written to celebrate the blessing of women who love others with strength of character and dignity of conduct, Proverbs 31 is great wisdom for anyone wishing to put on the new self....

Does God Care What We Wear to Church?

Pamela Palmer

We are consistently reminded throughout Scripture to not judge by appearances, because what matters to God is our inward faith. According to the Bible, God is more concerned with the condition of our ...

Beyond Sunday: Chained to the World

We have the world in our hearts so much and are so taken up with thoughts and cares of worldly things, that we have neither time nor spirit to see God's hand in them....

How Do "the Heavens Declare the Glory of God"?

Pamela Palmer

Psalm 19 is one of my favorite Psalms to read, pray, and meditate on. It is full of striking truth and beautiful praises to the Lord. The words of this passage captivate and comfort its readers. The v...

16 Holy Week Prayers to Remind Us of the Beauty of the Cross

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

A holy week prayer is a practice Christians find helpful to focus our thoughts and prepare our hearts during the time we mark the most pivotal events of our faith. ...

What Is the New Heaven and the New Earth?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

One of the joys and hopes of every believer is the hope of heaven. In John 14 Jesus said I’m going to prepare a place for you and I’m not just going, I’m coming back to get you. This is the great expe...