Search Results for esther 2

Found 74 Results for esther 2
How to Be Brave

Heather Adams

By spending time studying God’s Word, lifting up prayers, and giving Him worship, we’ll grow in our knowledge and awe of Him. Our faith will increase, which will help us to stand more firmly when chal...

What Is the Chronological Order of the 66 Books of the Bible?

Jessica Brodie

The Bible is indeed a well-organized collection of writings penned by more than two dozen authors spanning thousands of years. Instead of being organized chronologically, it is organized by literary g...

What Is the Meaning of Lent? - Biblical Meaning and Purpose

Candice Lucey

Lent is meant to be a time of repentance. These 40 days are set aside to praise and worship the Lord; to read the Bible more, and to pray more often. Christians who observe Lent correctly anticipate d...

Why Was the Tribe of Benjamin Important?

Hope Bolinger

When Jacob has his 12 sons, each of them went on to be leaders of a "tribe," and each were blessed upon their father's death. Some of these, like the tribe of Levi, were extremely significant and long...

What Does the Bible say about Adoption?

Hope Bolinger

The Bible seems to have a lot to say about adoption, but churches don’t often dive into this much beyond saying that Christians are adopted into the family of Christ when they accept Jesus as ...

What Does the Bible Say about Women?

Kristi Woods

The Bible uses the word “man” throughout its pages. All twelve disciples were men. Many of the stories we read center on males, including those of Moses, Abraham, Paul, David and Joshua. But what does...

Will We Recognize Friends in Heaven?

Will we have personal identity in heaven? And will we recognize family and friends?...

Why Did John the Baptist Say 'He Must Become Greater' about Jesus?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

“He must become greater; I must become less” is a powerful and compelling declaration made by John the Baptist, quoted in John 3:30 NIV...

Is Easter Pagan? The Holiday's Origins and History 

Jay Ryan

There has been an increasing trend among evangelicals to shun Easter as allegedly being derived from a pagan source. Explore the history here!...

12 Ways Christians Can Relieve Stress

Heather Adams

I’ve come to see that through God’s strength, I can break the hold stress has on me when it hits. And sometimes, the simplest things are the most effective. Here are some ways I’m learning to handle t...

What Is the Apocrypha and Can We Trust It?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

There are plenty of variations, not only within Protestant, Orthodox, Roman Catholic communities but also within Bible editions. Indeed, the history of “what’s in” and “what&rs...

How Many Wives Did King David Have and What Do We Know about Them?

Annette Griffin

But while God was raising up this mighty man of valor to be a fearless leader and man after His own heart, the women who would become King David’s wives were also being groomed to become a part of God...

Surprising Things the Bible Says about Being a Wife

Emma Danzey

However, as believers, we are gifted with the Bible from God which teaches us and instructs us as women in every area of life, including marriage. Today we will study what does the Bible say about bei...

Does Scripture Oppress or Liberate Women?

Catherine Segars

Scripture has a very different portrayal of women than any other ancient book. We do see the mistreatment of women in the Bible, but it is never commended or condoned. Let’s compare Scripture with anc...

The World's Wisdom Bows Down

Why else would the magi have taken such an arduous trip if not for an aching need to satisfy a hunger that all of the world’s wisdom had not yet satisfied?...

4 Biblical Reasons Women Can Be Leaders in the Church

Barbara Latta

As long as a woman feeling led to contribute to a church meeting respects the authority of the pastorate, she can scripturally teach. Also, a married woman would need to agree with her husband about h...

Beautiful Lessons in Love from Song of Solomon

Kristi Walker

Song of Solomon may seem to have nothing to do with God, but romantic love has everything to do with God! It is completely accurate to say that God is the inventor and author of romantic love which na...

7 Ways to Pray through Election Year Fear

Blair Parke

It could be easy to let our emotions get the best of us during this important political year. But keeping a level head and a prayerful mind is the best way to make the right choices for candidates, is...

Jesus Through the Bible

The salvation that was expected in the Old Testament is exhibited in the Gospels and then explained in the rest of the New Testament....

Does the Bible Have Anything to Say about the President?

Emma Danzey

Today we are going to explore what does the Bible say about the president. I pray this will bring us clarity and wisdom in how to handle the variety of personalities from leaders we encounter....