Search Results for gen 39-40

Found 29 Results for gen 39-40
John 8

Chapter?8In this chapter we have, I. Christ?s evading the snare which the Jews laid for him, in bringing to him a woman taken in adultery (v.?1-11). I...

Matthew 4

Chapter?4John Baptist said concerning Christ, He must increase, but I must decrease; and so it proved. For, after John had baptized Christ, and borne ...

Galatians 4

VERSE 1.Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from aservant, though he be Lord of all;VERSE 2.Butis under tutors and g...


Footnotes(1 )Eusebius seems to have adopted this name as a token of friendship and respect for Pamphilus, bishop of Caesarea. See McGiffert, Prolegome...

Lucas 12

Lucas 12Divisi?n por P?rrafos en las Traducciones ModernasUBS4NKJVNRSVTEVNJBAdvertencia contra la hipocres?a12:1-3?A qui?n temes?12:4-7Confesar a Cris...

John 17

Chapter?17This chapter is a prayer, it is the Lord?s prayer, the Lord Christ?s prayer. There was one Lord?s prayer which he taught us to pray, and did...


IT is not from a fondness for controversy that I am induced to offer my sentiments on this subject. I feel myself called upon to do so, on two accoun...

Internal Evidence for the Authenticity and Genuineness of St. John's Gospel, Part II.

TN considering this question three points will be taken in succession. I shall endeavour to show:? I. That the writer was intimately acquainted with...


NOTES. Note 1, page 4. EPIPH. 1. c. 1:?Kal oxrrot rh crrepeh. rov Krjpvyfiaros fief/MnjKcujiv. C. 32 :?Ti co(feXei rjpJas rj Tov 'latawov 'AiroicdX...