Search Results for i love the lord

Found 1305 Results for i love the lord
Powerful Advent Prayers to Pray Throughout the Weeks of Advent

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Advent is a wonderful time of celebrating the coming of Jesus and Christmas. Within this busy holiday season, may you use these Advent prayers to find peace and joy in meditation of the gifts of life ...

Why Does Isaiah 66:13 Say 'As a Mother Comforts Her Child, So Will I Comfort You'?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

What can we learn from God saying, "as a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you" in the Bible?...

5 Things God Doesn't Know

Micah Maddox

While yes, God knows everything, it’s good sometimes to remember how far God’s love, mercy, and grace extends. There is no limit to the goodness, the healing, the hope, the saving of Jesus....

Finding Help

I say, “Help comes from God.” I tell people, “You’re not alone.” Both are empty phrases if I don’t live like I believe them. The author of Psalm 121 spotted this problem....

Is It True that “Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God?”

Ashley Hooker

My husband often talks about when he was a little boy and went shopping with his mom, he would play a joke on her. He would leave her side and go to the customer service desk and say he was lost. Then...

What Hosea's Daughter Lo-Ruhamah Teaches Us about God's Love and Mercy

Sylvia Schroeder

Yet, through what Hosea's daughter Lo-Ruhamah teaches us about God's love and mercy, this attribute of God’s character shines....

Why Does Paul Say “Love Does Not Boast”?

Lisa Loraine Baker

If we love someone with a godly love, then by definition of the word, we decide to compassionately and responsibly pursue the well-being of another. God’s Word tells us in Philippians 2:3 to, “Do...

4 Miracle Prophecies Christians Should Know about Israel

Adrian Rogers

"Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favor her, yea, the set time is come. For Thy servants take pleasure in her stones and favor the dust thereof. So the heathen shall fear the...

Is Abundant Life in the Bible Different Than Eternal Life?

Melissa Henderson

That abundant life Jesus promised is one filled with meaning, purpose, joy, and strength for the spirit, soul, and the body. ...

12 Verses to Kick-Start the New Year

Bethany Verrett

A New Year is almost upon us! As everyone starts to think of resolutions and ways to start a "New Year, New Me" plan, take a moment to turn to Scripture for inspiration. These 12 verses will encourage...

Why Does Jesus Ask Peter "Do You Love Me"?

Jason Soroski

Among the most beautiful moments in Scripture is when Jesus asks this question to Peter after the Resurrection. There is a distinct beauty in the question, as it addresses the shame Peter felt from hi...

Books You Should Read if You Love These Christian Classics

Rachel Dawson

There have been many Christian books published in recent decades that have left a lasting impact on believers and non-believers alike. (The Bible takes the top spot, for sure!) They are books that tea...

What Is the Significance of the First Commandment?

Emma Danzey

How can you find freedom in knowing that Jesus fulfilled the Law for you? When we love the Lord with all of our beings, we can live out the ten commandments, but it all starts with the first commandme...

Powerful Prayers of Thanks and Gratitude to God For His Many Blessings

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Having a thankful heart can change your entire perspective and outlook on life. One of the best ways to experience the power of thanksgiving is to through prayer. When we offer a prayer of thanks to G...

9 Hopeful Prayers for the Loss of a Loved One

Lisa Loraine Baker

God is our Father who loves us. He never leaves us or forsakes us, and that includes times of deep sorrow. He knows everything that happens to us, and He is ready to assuage our emotions with His pres...

5 Prayers for Guidance as You Make Big Decisions

Bethany Verrett

Typically, seeking godly counsel from the Holy Spirit can help with big choices like moving, witnessing to a neighbor who may not be saved, or making other big life changes. Going to the Lord should b...

4 Beautiful Lessons from the Life of Elisabeth Elliot

Ruth Clemence

Who was Elisabeth Elliot? Throughout her life she was a missionary, wife, and mother, but above all she was a courageous follower of Christ. By looking back at her life, we can draw encouragement in o...

What Does the Lord Require of Us in Micah 6:8?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Over the last few years, the idea of justice has taken center stage in America. There have been numerous rallies and calls for justice all over the nation. From time to time, you may have even heard a...

Prayers for Health of Body, Mind, and Soul Editorial Staff

Let us trust in the true physician of our health, going to God in prayer for protection or restoration. Discover some of the best prayers for health to use in supplication to the Lord, requesting the ...