Search Results for zech 11:12

Found 41 Results for zech 11:12
The Westminster Standards and the "Larger Hope"

XII. THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS AND THE LARGER HOPE1 The doctrines of Calvinism formulated in the Westminster Standards are represented by many perso...

Book IV

? ? OF THE DEATH OF THE BODY. The things to be enquired into, are, What death is ? who are the subjects of it? what the causes of it, and its proper...

Book I

OF THE MANIFESTATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE COVENANT OF GRACE. I AM now come to the dawn of grace to fallen man, to the breakings forth and appli...


SERMON LVII. THE SUCCESS OF THE MINISTRY OF THE GOSPEL, OWING TO A SI FINE INFLUENCE. * 1 Cor. iii. 7. So then neither is he that plants any thing...

Chapter IV

Having showed you what godly fear flows from, I come now to show you what proceeds or flows from this godly fear of God, when it is seated in the hea...

Book I

OF THE BEING OF GOD. SOME, because the Being of God is a first principle, not to be disputed; and because that there is one is a self-evident propos...

Sermon 57

Sermon 57. THE SUCCESS OF THE MINISTRY OF THE GOSPEL, OWING TO A DIVINE INFLUENCE.* I con. m. 7.?So then neither is fie that filauts any things nei...

Internal Evidence for the Authenticity and Genuineness of St. John's Gospel, Part II.

TN considering this question three points will be taken in succession. I shall endeavour to show:? I. That the writer was intimately acquainted with...

Chapter III

78 QOMATTER?A SABBATH IN THE DESERT. tude, no living being near except our little company of Arabs, not knowing what might be the extent of the injur...

Solomon's Temple Spiritualized

C H A P. I. Where the Terople tvas built. t/,, 'f J^TT^HE Temple was built at Jerusalem, on Mount Jfc~ Moriah, in the threfhing floor of Arnoa the J...

Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5. THE ARGUMENTS USUALLY ALLEGED IN SUPPORT OF FREE WILL REFUTED. Objections reduced to three principal heads:--I. Four absurdities advanced ...

The Water of Life

And he Jhowed me a sure river of water of life, t/ear ?* as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God, and of the Lamb?Rev. xxii. I. THESE words a...

Chapter 24



Footnotes(1 )He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He...

Book III

OF CREATION IN GENERAL. Having considered the internal and eternal acts of the divint. mind, I proceed to consider the external acts of God. I shall ...

Book III

OF REDEMPTION BY CHRIST. I. I Shall settle the meaning of the word ; and shew what it supposes, includes, and is designed by it. Our English word Re...

Chapter VI

CHAPTER VI THE DIVINE DECREES. Augustine: De predestinatione; Epistola CXOIV., Ad Sixtum. Anselm: Concordia praescientiae et praedestinationis. Calv...


Footnotes(1 )Luke xi. 10.(2 )Prov. xvii. 28, lxx.(3 )Is. ii. 3, lxx.(4 )Phil. iii. 14.(5 )i.e., confessed or denied himself a Christian. The Benedicti...


Footnotes(1 )Eusebius seems to have adopted this name as a token of friendship and respect for Pamphilus, bishop of Caesarea. See McGiffert, Prolegome...

Part III. How the Ruler, While Living Well, Ought to Teach and Admonish Those that are Put Under Him.

Part III. How the Ruler, While Living Well, Ought to Teach and Admonish Those that are Put Under Him.Part III. How the Ruler, While Living Well, Ought...