Search Results for "man of god"

Found 50 Results for "man of god"
4 Powerful Ways Ezra Prepares Us to Face Opposition

Jennifer Slattery

Scripture provides faith-bolstering truths I can reflect upon when the task ahead feels daunting and unsure. I find the passages surrounding ancient Israel’s return from exile particularly inspiring. ...

Don’t Miss Your Moment

Frank Santora

God’s plans are greater than the dreams you once had for yourself; and they’re greater than even the greatest moment you’ve experienced thus far!...

Let God Work It All Out This Christmas

Frank Santora

Christmas is a perfect opportunity to learn a lesson or two from the way Joseph and Mary navigated a most unexpected detour in their lives. While the birth of the Messiah was ultimately a supreme bles...

3 Things to Do Immediately When You Feel You've Lost Your Spiritual Edge

Frank Santora

You get your edge back when you determine to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified, when God becomes your passion, rather than your past-time and when you determine to make Him the one yo...

Is it a Sin to Be Rich?

Kelly-Jayne McGlynn

Money itself does not lead to evil. But it’s the love of money, or the intense greed for material gain, that is the issue. Craving money is not the same thing as genuinely desiring more money. You can...

Who Is the Angel of the LORD & What Does the Bible Say about Him?

Liz Kanoy

The term angel means “one sent” or “messenger,” and LORD in Hebrew is YHWH or Yahweh. The angel of the LORD is one sent by YHWH or a messenger of YHWH....

How God Communicates Truth

We look for sources of authority to guide and direct our lives, and we have all kinds of options. And you know what? These options will not always agree. So where do you go for authority in your Chris...

What Happens After Death? Understanding Where Your Soul Goes

Dr. Michael A. Milton

 “What happens to my soul when I die?” The question is not an esoteric inquiry into the unknowable. God has revealed to us in his word what happens to the human soul at the moment...