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Found 974 Results for anxiety

The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 8159 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originh[Xa primitive rootTransliterated WordTDNT EntrySh...

Luke 22:45

Luke 22:45 And when he rose from prayer The Syriac version reads, from his prayer, having finished it; and the Persic and Ethiopic versions read, from...

Acts 18:1

To Corinth (ei Korinqon). Mummius had captured and destroyed Corinth B.C. 146. It was restored by Julius Caesar B.C. 46 as a boom town and made a col...

Leviticus 25:20

Leviticus 25:20 And ye shall say, what shall ye eat the seventh year? &c.] Such as are of little faith, disbelieve the promise, and distrust the provi...

Ezekiel 14:1

Ezekiel 14:1 Then came certain, of the elders of Israel unto me The Syriac version adds, to consult the Lord; by the prophet. These, according to Kimc...

Ezekiel 12:4

Ezekiel 12:4 Then shall thou bring forth thy stuff by day in their sight, &c.] Bring it forth, that they may be spectators of it; and by day, that it ...


HIRELING hir'-ling (sakhir): Occurs only 6 times in the Old Testament, and uniformly means a laborer for a wage. In Job 7:1 f there is reference to t...

Letter CCLIII.(1)

Letter CCLIII.(1) Letter CCLIII.(1) To the presbyters of Antioch.(2) The anxious care which you have for the Churches of God will to some extent be ...


Contentment [N] [T]a state of mind in which one's desires are confined to his lot whatever it may be ( 1?Timothy 6:6 ; 2 co 9:8 ). It is opposed to ...

How to Obey an Impossible Injunction

Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.?Philippians iv. 6....

Letter LXV(1)

Letter LXV(1) Letter LXV(1) To Atarbius.(2) IF I continue to insist on the privileges to which my superior age entitles me, and wait for you to take...


TEARS terz (dim`ah; dakrua): In the instances recorded in Scripture weeping is more frequently associated with mental distress than with physical pai...

Letter CCXXVIII.(1)

Letter CCXXVIII.(1) Letter CCXXVIII.(1) To the magistrates of Colonia. I Have received your lordships' letter, and offered thanks to God most holy, t...

Psalms 130

PSALM 130 Psalms 130:1-8 . The penitent sinner's hope is in God's mercy only. 1, 2. depths--for great distress ( Psalms 40:2 , 69:3 ). 3...

Philippians 2:12

Not as in my presence only (mh w en th parousiai monon). B and a few other MSS. omit w. The negative mh goes with the imperative katergazesqe (work o...

3 John 1:2

I pray (eucomai). Here only in John's writings. See Romans 9:3 . In all things (peri pantwn). To be taken with euodousqai and like peri in 1?Corint...

Careless; Carelessly

CARELESS; CARELESSLY kar'-les, kar'-les-li: These words always mean, without anxiety, the confidence springing from a sense of security. There is bot...


Salutation [S]Eastern modes of salutation are not unfrequently so prolonged as to become wearisome and a positive waste of time. The profusely polite ...

Letter CLXXIV(1)

Letter CLXXIV(1) Letter CLXXIV(1) To a Widow.I Have been most wishful to write constantly to your excellency, but I have from time to time denied mys...

Isaiah 26:18

Isaiah 26:18 We have been with child Like women with child; we have been full of hopes and expectations of great things, of deliverance from our enemi...