Search Results for genesis 4:6

Found 56 Results for genesis 4:6
What Did Jesus Mean When He Said "I Am the Light of the World" (John 8:12)?

Meg Bucher

Jesus consistently focused on linking Himself to the Father. The Greek word for light in this verse is phos, defined as the light; anything emitting light; light, i.e. brightness. God profoundly state...

Spiritual Warfare: Understanding Satan's Strategies 

Tonilee Adamson | Bobbye Brooks

The more we learn the truths concerning spiritual warfare, the more prepared we can be to fight and to be victorious. In furthering our knowledge of spiritual warfare, this lesson addresses the strate...

What the Bible Says about the Idea of Transgenderism

Dr. Michael A. Milton

It is difficult to imagine a contemporary social movement that is more dangerously consistent with the downward spiral of Romans chapter one than transgenderism. Read these words from St. Paul an...

Who Is Malachi the Prophet, the Last Writer of the Old Testament?

Britt Mooney

The book of Malachi is the end of the Old Testament. But God makes it clear that it is not the end of the Story He is telling. The best is yet to come....

What Does "Omnipresent" Mean?

Dawn Wilson

As a young girl, visiting a little street-corner church in Chicago, I heard a preacher quote Matthew 18:20: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” It w...

What Is an Epistle in the Bible and What Is It's Purpose and Meaning?

Jessica Brodie

Many of us have received letters from mentors, parents, or others we respect issuing words of praise and offering special advice on how we can live well. Often, we treasure these letters, tucking th...

What Is Soteriology and Why Is it Essential for All Christians to Know?

Jean Wilund

Soteriology isn’t uniquely Christian, but it is biblical. Paul demonstrates the use of soteriology in his letter to the Corinthian church....

How Hannah Found an Audacious, Extraordinary Hope in God

Frank Santora

God offers a different kind of hope than the hope people often latch onto. It is bold, daring, original, and supernatural! Whenever we judge a situation or a person to be “hopeless,” we are slamming t...

The Key to Success? Follow Through.

Frank Santora

We must personally take action to stop procrastinating, making excuses, and overpromising while underdelivering. In order to see real change and authentic breakthrough, we must stop “starting,” and be...

Why Did Judas Take 30 Pieces of Silver for Jesus?

Joel Ryan

The fact that Judas betrayed his master Jesus was terrible... but as we shall see, the fact that he betrayed Jesus for the paltry sum of 30 pieces of silver made the situation even more tragic, and od...

What Does the Bible Say About Anger?

Kathy Collard Miller

We all feel angry sometimes. We may justify our anger with words like, "well, I'm just disappointed." The fact is that the Bible has some very clear things to say about anger and what we do with it....

8 Verses and Prayers for Those Recovering from Trauma

Jessica Brodie

When we experience a distressing event, whether once or repeatedly, we sometimes exhibit a lasting emotional response that can impact our sense of safety, identity, relationships, and ability to regul...

Sermon Notes: Embracing Prayer for Strength

Southeastern University Online

Sermon notes are a fantastic way to help church leaders write better sermons and let laypeople have a better understanding of how sermons are put together. Here are sermon notes for prayers of strengt...

How to Talk to God: What Does the Bible Say about Prayer?

Meg Bucher

Prayer runs alongside worship in regard to the different ways in which we express our faith. Carefully memorized prayers repeated religiously, journaled thoughts, silent sacred moments with God, and h...

What Is Theology & Why Is it Important?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Theology is studying God. Christian theology is knowing God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Theology is “the queen of the sciences.” This was not only the opinion of the great Middle Ages scholar, Thom...

A Biblical Guide for Praying over Your Marriage

Liz Auld

This is why we must pray for our marriage through changing circumstances, our commitment is to love our spouse in good times and bad just as God loves us. We should pray for our marriage when things a...