Search Results for history

Found 120 Results for history
To Illustrate: Christ

A little bit of prose has been making its way across the Internet. It has travelled the length and breadth of the Facebook world. As of yet, the author has not been definitively identified. Here is wh...

Illustration: Christ

At the heart of the old city of Quebec is a church called Our Lady of the Victories. It was first named The Church of the Christ Child. Then the French won a significant military victory, and the name...


In its column, "You Asked Us," the Canadian Magazine recently dealt with Hitler's use of the swastika. Included in their article was the following statement. In the end, if his National Reich Church h...

Illustration: Conversion, a Tender Heart

Never give up on anyone because God never does....

Fatherhood of God

Recently there was a story on the radio about a bank in Pennsylvania that has never had a foreclosure. ...

To Illustrate: Serendipity

In 1820, a man named Yorgos was digging in his field on the island of Milos in Greece. As he was digging, he hit upon some stones. ...

The World Rejects The Cross

A recent newspaper article carried the title, "Court Rules Against Crosses." The article was about a Supreme Court decision not to overrule the judgment of a lower court prohibiting San Diego County f...


Billy Gets Nervous Too! Billy Graham's hands often go clammy and his knees shake before he preaches. While most would agree that standing in front of a crowd of people is probably not their favorite o...

Illustration: Change, Talent

Our children believe what we say, and what we speak into their lives has a profound effect on them and their futures....

Incarnation of Christ

In the early 19th century, a war-weary world was anxiously watching the march of Napoleon. All the while babies were being born. In 1809, midway between the battles of Trafalgar and Waterloo, ...


Before the United States pulled its troops out of Lebanon, Anthony Lewis wrote a column titled, "The Longer We Stay, The Harder It Will Be to Get Out." He was concerned about the "no turning b...

Bible and Bible Reference Survey 2007

Each year brings a continuing flow of various study bibles and this one has been no different. Some such Bibles seem merely to be the result of marketing efforts, but others are truly helpful....

Illustration: Legalism, Self-Righteousness

"All groups of human beings have a tendency to be exclusive; they want to know who is inside and who is out. So they adopt identity markers—visible practices of dress, vocabulary or behavior that serv...

Illustration: Worship Christ, the Only Proper Object of Our Affection

We are geared to worship someone or something; make sure the Object of your affection is the One who is worthy of such devotion....


Humans tend to worship what is seen and often what appeals to emotion. The golden calf represented an Egyptian fertility cult. Recall that while the people were in the wilderness God alone provided al...

Illustration: Thanksgiving

King David was an enormous benefactor for the first temple, always remembering his wealth came from the hand of God, to whom it should be returned....