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Found 2499 Results for i have
Finding Help

I say, “Help comes from God.” I tell people, “You’re not alone.” Both are empty phrases if I don’t live like I believe them. The author of Psalm 121 spotted this problem....

6 Saturday Prayers to Prepare Your Heart for Sunday

Bethany Verrett

Spending time praying and speaking with the Lord can be an excellent way to grow and have the right heart and mind posture for Sunday church service. The Holy Spirit indwells in each believer, and is ...

How Long Should a Pastor Preach?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Your effectiveness in preaching is not judged by the time on the clock but by the quality of the content. Let me add one more point. A good pastor should not just be beholden to their notes, but they ...

7 Thoughts on Church Discipline

I am frequently asked about my thoughts on church discipline. I’ve learned that most of the time, when someone asks, they have a personal agenda they are attempting to address, far more than they have...

Why Does Hebrews 13:6 Say "The Lord Is My Helper, I Will Not Fear"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Hebrews 13:6 does not mean you won’t have trouble in this life. It means, just like this verse in John, that when you have trouble, you don’t have to be afraid. You can have peace amid life’s most dif...

How to Set, and Keep, Good Boundaries When Serving

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

I want to help you set and keep good boundaries so that your serving will always remain joyful and not become a burden where you end up burnt out. From my experience people who get burnt out typically...

11 Bad Ways to Study Your Bible

Kelly O'Dell Stanley

I struggled with this piece, because really, I could write it in one sentence: The only bad way to study your Bible is to NOT DO IT. See? Easy and simple. Done. But nothing in life is ever that simp...

What Does the Bible Say about Gray Hair?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Bible is clear that we should show respect for the elderly. There is much we can learn from those who are older and who have walked with God for a long time. Many elderly people have legacies of G...

The Men in Christ's Life: The Healing of a Demon-Possessed Man

Our fear sometimes keeps Jesus from doing all the things he wants to do for us. We are so afraid we might have to give up our lives as we know it....

17 Encouraging Verses for Seasons of Grief

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Since we are all going to face grief in this life, the question is when grief comes, where do you go for comfort? Thankfully God knew you would experience grief in this life, and he has provided numer...

5 Inspiring Prayers for When Life Is Unexpected

Kirstyn Mayden

Navigating unexpected circumstances can be challenging, but we don’t have to go through them alone. If you are facing an unexpected new move, illness, job loss, strained relationship, or change of cou...

30 Prayers for Your Baby

Lisa Loraine Baker

A prayer for your baby or a loved one’s baby blesses the baby and the baby’s family (and you too). Here are 30 prayers you can say for the baby.  ...

The Women in Christ's Life: Mary ... Sister of Martha

Mary, sister of Martha is one of my favorite women in the Bible. She loved Jesus so much as He loves her. She loved him by showing it. Do you remember Mary? She's the woman who sat a Jesus' feet to h...

Is It True That Jesus Prays for Us?

Michael Jakes

These three things Christ prayed are what He desires, because they are what we need. But simply due to selfishness and carnality on our part, these things have a difficult time settling in our lives. ...

When Grace Becomes Our Calling

Lianna Davis

The book of Jude is one of the shortest in the Bible, at just one chapter. However, this letter has plenty to say about our gift of salvation. Follow along as we break down two of Jude's most encourag...

5 Practical Ways Christians Should Approach Dating

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

I know dating is not always easy, and honestly sometimes it is not even fun. But with God’s help and you asking, seeking, and knocking, I pray you would find the one you want to spend the rest of your...

12 Hopeful Bible Verses for Times of Transition

Emma Danzey

Maybe you are going through a change right now and need some encouragement. Scripture is the best place to find God’s comfort because our God is unchanging, and we can rest in Him....

9 Ways to Have More Faith This Year

Mark Altrogge

I don’t know about you, but I want to grow more and more in my faith this year. I’m so grateful that over the years God has helped me grow in faith, but I believe it’s his will for all his children t...

25 Strengthening Verses for Times of Fear

Bethany Verrett

The suffering in this life that induces fear is something that Jesus overcame on the cross, and even death has no true power over those who have a relationship with Him. Knowing that in the head does ...