Search Results for james 4

Found 448 Results for james 4
7 Powerful Things You Need to Know About God's Priesthood

Randy Robison

Randy Robison is a writer, producer, and co-host for the television program LIFE Today. He is the author of numerous books, including collaborations with his father, James Robison, as well as Senato...

8 Prayers for Election Day

Bethany Verrett

Every four years, the nation focuses on the national political arena, studies two candidates and two agendas, then decides between them in a presidential election. Leading up to the vote, Christi...

How Can Suffering Be a Gift?

Britnee Bradshaw

One morning during a recent quiet time, I was meditating on 1 Corinthians 13:4. The verse struck my heart in such a profound way. The scripture, according to the King James Version, reads: “Charity su...

4 Profound Lessons from the Book of Galatians

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Galatians is a great book to study especially if you are struggling or dealing with traditions. ...

Are the 10 Commandments Still Relevant for Us Today?

Heather Adams

Simple and direct, this list from God has had the power to equip believers throughout the ages to live well. The Laws are echoed throughout Scripture, and woven into the truths of the Old Testament, a...

26 Verses to Ground You When Life Feels Chaotic

Pamela Palmer

We may face hardships and challenges because of the brokenness of the world, but God wants us to have hope and peace through it all. Jesus has overcome every situation and circumstance you will ever f...

Does the Phrase Fly in the Ointment Come from the Bible?

Linda Lyle

Does fly in the ointment come from the Bible or from Shakespeare?...

The Beautiful Meaning Behind "Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit"

Bethany Verrett

Jesus final words on the cross are both heartbreaking and powerful. The Apostle Luke records that just before dying, Jesus said "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!" But what do those words me...

Can We Really Tame Our Tongues?

Frank Santora

When your untamed mouth starts down the path of destruction – be a lion tamer and stop, listen to, and yield to the Holy Spirit instead. He is the good Ring Master in this crazy life circus. ...

5 Things to Remember about Soli Deo Gloria

Stephanie Englehart

Because we were created from God’s glory, for His glory, there is no greater joy on earth than giving God glory (1 Peter 1:8)....

Sunday School Lesson: Life Lessons from the Book of Esther

Esther is the best “textbook" of the Scriptures about the providence of God, and how He works in the perfect way and the perfect timing to accomplish His purposes....

What Power Do Demons Really Have?

Emma Danzey

The truth is that demons love to try to divide and distract the global church’s great mission of sharing the gospel of Jesus. They want to bring down those who are making an impact for Christ. ...

How Should Christians Live in a World that’s Not Our Home?

Annette Griffin

How can Christians live ‘in the world’ but not be ‘of the world? Viewing the treacherous condition of this world from God’s perspective can be overwhelming. Here’s the good news: that bad news is...

Are You Leaving Behind a Godly Legacy?

Frank Santora

“… For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14).It’s a very simple truth – our lives are short. Human existence is but a breath, a mome...

How Long Was Jesus on the Cross?

Bethany Jett

Crucifixions could last a few days, so when we celebrate Easter and daily remember Jesus’s sacrifice, we must understand what happened to Jesus, which begs the question: How long was Jesus on the cros...

Healthy, Biblical Tips for Dealing with Conflict

Frank Santora

Conflict is an inevitable part of life, whether it’s conflict in marriage, on the job, with a friend or family member. It’s so inevitable that it happens at times when you’d least expect it to. For ex...

How Does the Bible Guide Us When We Face Temptation?

Dawn Wilson

Christians sometimes have naïve assumptions about temptation. Some think it will be obvious, but temptations are subtle and nuanced. Satan delights in taking us by surprise. ...

What Does the Bible Mean by 'My God Will Supply All My Needs'?

Tammy Kennington

Since scripture tells us that 'my God will supply all my needs,' why do Christians still struggle?...

What Makes God So Awesome?

Dawn Wilson

“Awesome” is an appropriate word to use for God, and it’s not to be used flippantly. The Psalmist rightly asks, “Who is like the LORD our God?” (Psalm 113:5). He is unequaled and unsurpassed. Anyone w...

3 Ways to Wait Patiently on the Lord

Michael Jakes

Whether it was waiting to open presents as a child, or waiting for a big life event like marriage or a promotion as an adult, waiting is hard! But when we start to feel antsy, how are we to respond as...