Search Results for proverbs 9:10

Found 57 Results for proverbs 9:10
What Does the Bible Say about Depression?

Jessica Brodie

For those who don’t have it, depression can be hard to understand. A mood disorder with both mental and physical impacts, depression is different from typical feelings of sadness or grief. Som...

What Is Akeldama in the Bible?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Akeldama is connected to some dark events in the New Testament. So why is it important we remember it?...

How Can I Trust a God Who Is Allowing Coronavirus?

Anne Peterson

We have this wonderful love letter full of promises from God. We can saturate ourselves with Biblical truths and realize we have victory, even when battling a global pandemic....

What Does It Really Look Like for God’s People to Dwell in Unity?

Lisa Loraine Baker

King David rejoiced at the realization of brothers dwelling together in unity. So too may we because our unity proclaims to the world we are Christ followers and are surrendered and bound to Him for H...

The Forgotten Fear that Christians Need to Face

Ruth Clemence

Fear of the Lord is not usually given much airtime in churches, nor much thought in the day-to-day lives of Christians. However, Deuteronomy 13:4 is clear that we should fear the Lord. This type of f...

In Times of Trouble, Remember Where Your Help Comes From

Dawn Wilson

God is the believer’s protector, guarding day and night both now and into eternity. He grips the believer’s hand and says, “Do not fear, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13). He knows everything and watche...

Is the Bible Anti-Wealth?

Larry White

In his short time on earth doing ministry, Jesus spent a lot of time talking about money and wealth. But does the Bible really teach that the wealthy won't get to heaven? And why then are we "storing ...

How to Have a Truly Blessed Life

Frank Santora

Until about 20 years ago, no one really knew who Jabez was. For millennia, his name and story have remained tucked away in the pages of one of the least read chapters of the Bible. But as obscure as J...

How Abraham Teaches Us to Trust God’s Good Provision

Frank Santora

Clearly, in the age we live in, as we are facing high inflation rates and rising fuel and food prices, we need to know Him as Jehovah Jireh, God our Provider. We need to know that our source of susten...

3 Things to Do Immediately When You Feel You've Lost Your Spiritual Edge

Frank Santora

You get your edge back when you determine to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified, when God becomes your passion, rather than your past-time and when you determine to make Him the one yo...

How El Roi Helps Us Deal with Anger

Frank Santora

And let’s be real, one of the emotions we often feel stirring up in our hearts when we believe God sees everything, is anger that, if He sees it all – all the tragedy, all the needless suffering – the...

What Is the Book of Amos All About?

Brad Simon

Chosen by God to deliver a powerful message to Israel, Amos is neither trained as a prophet nor the son of a prophet. A devout man with a heart full of faith, Amos embraced his role as a messenger of ...

Sermon Notes: Embracing Prayer for Strength

Southeastern University Online

Sermon notes are a fantastic way to help church leaders write better sermons and let laypeople have a better understanding of how sermons are put together. Here are sermon notes for prayers of strengt...

Sunday School Lesson: Life Lessons from the Book of Esther

Esther is the best “textbook" of the Scriptures about the providence of God, and how He works in the perfect way and the perfect timing to accomplish His purposes....

Is the Perseverance of the Saints Biblical?

Jean Wilund

The doctrine of the perseverance of the saints affirms that God protects and preserves Christians—His saints (“holy ones”)—for eternity and causes their faith to persevere to the end....

Does God Ever Change His Mind?

Changing our minds feels so natural to us as humans, it’s hard to envision life without it. But what would it mean for God to change his mind? Does he? Could he? Or are all his plans and purposes immu...