Search Results for ps 3-4

Found 258 Results for ps 3-4
Psalm 130:3

?EXPOSITION Verse 3. If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand. If JAH, the all seeing, should in strict justice call every ma...

The Better Hope ?Ps vii 1-7,

IX. THE BETTER HOPE. 1 O Lord my God, in Thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me: 2 Lest he tear my soul ...


Footnotes(1 )Christus Comprobator, p. 99, sq.(1 )O twn Paterwn Pathr; o twn Nussaewn fwsthr, Council. Nic. II. Act. VI. Edition of Labbe, p. 477.-Nice...

Holy Resolutions ?Ps ci ,

XLIV. HOLY RESOLUTIONS. , I I W1ll sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O Lord, will I sing. 2 I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O w...

2 Samuel 8

Chapter?8David having sought first the kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof, settling the ark as soon as he was himself well settled, we are h...

1.4.1. Her Harlotry

The woman which John sees riding the Beast of seven heads and ten horns is called a harlot, indicating certain practices and priorities which stand o...

Psalms 116

Chapter?116This is a thanksgiving psalm; it is not certain whether David penned it upon any particular occasion or upon a general review of the many g...

Revelation 7:1

After the Lamb has opened six of the seven seals, there is a pause in the action while the servants of God are sealed for protection from the judgment...

Revelation 21:3

a loud voice from heaven The NU text has from the throne. A loud voice from heaven told John not to write what the seven thunders uttered (Rev. Rev. ...

Trumpets, Feast Of

TRUMPETS, FEAST OF 1. Description: In Leviticus 23:23-25 the first day (new moon) of the seventh month is set apart as a solemn rest, a memorial of b...

Revelation 2:7

He who has an ear ?Every man ?hath an ear? naturally, but he alone will be able to hear spiritually to whom God has given ?the hearing ear?; whose ?e...

Ultimate Fates

ULTIMATE FATES THE decision of the will for or against Christ necessarily determines whether the subsequent evolution of the individual shall be an u...

Rest at Even ?Ps iv 1-5,

IV. REST AT EVEN. 1 Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress ; have mercy upon me, and hear my... A Literal City

Beyond the interpretive issue mentioned above, which we feel is conclusive, there are many other reasons for taking Babylon in the book of Revelation...

Revelation 17:16

the ten horns which you saw on the beast The TR stands alone in having the ten horns on the beast. Both MT and NU texts say ?the ten horns which you s...

Numbers 2

Chapter?2The thousands of Israel, having been mustered in the former chapter, in this are marshalled, and a regular disposition is made of their camp,...

Everlasting Help ?Ps iii , 16

III. EVERLASTING HELP. 1 Lord, how are they increased that trouble me? many are they that rise up against me. 2 Many there be which say of my sou...

The Fifth Book


1 Chronicles 26

Chapter?26We have here an account of the business of the Levites. That tribe had made but a very small figure all the time of the judges, till Eli and...

Song of Solomon 1

Chapter?1In this chapter, after the title of the book (v.?1), we have Christ and his church, Christ and a believer, expressing their esteem for each o...