Search Results for world

Found 503 Results for world

So many stories have come out of the terrorist attack of September 11. One of the most poignant, carried by the Associated Press, was the discovery by rescue workers in the rubble of the World Trade C...


Christmas has not always been celebrated on December 25. For centuries the Eastern Orthodox Church observed January 6 as the celebration of the birth of Christ. Eventually most of the world adopted De...

The Need For Evangelism

Many fail to realize the pain of infertility. One man was so upset over his inability to reproduce that he actually committed suicide. Most infertile couples chose the wiser course of adoption. But th...


The late Dr. Ward Patterson had a varied career as a writer, campus minister and college professor. As a young man, he determined to seek adventure and travel around the world on a motorcycle. ...


Have you read the story about the teacher who asked her pupils what they thought the Seven Wonders of the World were for today? ...


Salt seems a simple substance, but you may be surprised by some of the facts found in Salt: A World History, by Mark Kurlansky. For instance, salt is present throughout the human body and is needed...


Two frogs fell into a can of cream - or so I've been told.The sides of the can were shiny and steep,The cream was deep and cold,"Oh, what's the use?" said No. 1,"tis fate - no help's around - Good-bye...


What is the smallest country in the world? Some would answer Monaco and others would answer Vatican City. Even though it is disputed some would answer "The Sovereign and Military Order of Malta." The ...

Ministry Post-9/11: Thoughts from Leading Pastors

Trevin Wax

Five well-known pastors, including two former Muslims, respond to the question: "How does living in a post-9/11 world influence the way you preach and do ministry?" ...

Illustration: Abundant Life

In a classic “Peanuts” comic strip, Charlie Brown goes to Lucy for psychiatric help. He says, “What can you do when you don’t fit in? What can you do when life seems to be passing you by?”...

Sincerity / Honesty

The news recently carried the story from Florida of a baby cat born with two faces. It is not certain how long the cat will live, although it had begun taking nourishment which was a good sign. Seve...


A few years ago as the world watched the beginning game of the World Series in San Francisco their was suddenly an interruption of the opening interview. The screen blinked and went blank. When the pr...


Maybe these words will help us in the selection of our elected officials: "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible." -George Washington, President...

Christianity and Islam: How Common is the Ground?

As this column goes to press, hundreds of presumably Muslim protestors in Sudan are shouting for the execution of a British school teacher. Her offense? Insulting Islam because her class of 7-year-old...

Neglect Of Salvation

Many years ago Orson Wells produced a radio drama of an imaginary attack from outer space. A student at Campbell College in North Carolina turned on his radio midway through the broadcast and did not ...


There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child. (Erma Bombeck) Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his presents remembered. (Phylli...

Second Sunday after Easter: The Hands of Peace

April 7, 2013—John 20:19-31...