Search Results for 2 pe

Found 472 Results for 2 pe
Ecclesiastes 6:2

Ecclesiastes 6:2 A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honour By riches may be meant gold and silver, things which a covetous man is never ...


SALT solt (melach; halas, hals): Common salt is considered by most authorities as an essential ingredient of our food. Most people intentionally seas...

Lamentations 4


Hosea 1:2

Hosea 1:2 For I have kept the ways of the Lord Not those which the Lord himself walks in, his ways of providence, or of grace; though these are and sh...


HEIFER hef'-er (parah, in Numbers 19 (see following article) and Hosea 4:16; `eghlah, elsewhere in the Old Testament; damalis, in Hebrews 9:13):For th...

Hebrews 8

Chapter 88:8? For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel a...


Women [S]Creation of Genesis 1:27 ; Genesis 2:21 Genesis 2:22 Named Genesis 2:23 Fall of, and curse upon Genesis 3:1-16 ; 2?Corinthians 11:3 ...

2 Peter - Introduction

INTRODUCTION AUTHENTICITY AND GENUINENESS.--If not a gross imposture, its own internal witness is unequivocal in its favor. It has Peter's name and...

Letter CCLXVII.(1)

Letter CCLXVII.(1) Letter CCLXVII.(1) To Barses, bishop of Edessa, in exile. Fen the sake of the affection which I entertain for you, I long to be wi...

Hebrews 8:2

Hebrews 8:2 A minister of the sanctuary The heavenly one, so called, in allusion to the holy of holies, the type of it; and because it is truly an hol...

Luke 2:1

Luke 2:1 And it came to pass in those days When John the Baptist was born, and Christ was conceived, and his mother pregnant with him, and the time of...

1 Corinthians 3:12

1 Corinthians 3:12 Now if any man build upon this foundation The different materials laid by one and the same man, on this foundation, or the differen...


Anxiety [N]Uneasy feeling of uncertainty, agitation, dread, or fear. The most common words in Scripture translated as anxious or anxiety are the Hebre...


ACROSTIC a-kros'-tik: The acrostic, understood as a short poem in which the first letters of the lines form a word, or name, or sentence, has not ye...

Christians, Names of

Christians, Names of The New Testament contains over 175 names, descriptive titles, and figures of speech referring to Christians, applicable to both ...

Isaiah 18:4

Isaiah 18:4 For so the Lord said unto me The prophet Isaiah, both what goes before, and follows after: I will take my rest; these are not the words of...

Genesis 13

CHAPTER 13 Genesis 13:1-18 . RETURN FROM EGYPT. 1. went up .?.?. south--Palestine being a highland country, the entrance from Egypt by its so...


Citizenship [E] [S]The concept of spiritual citizenship is most clearly expressed in Philippians 3:20, where Paul writes, Our citizenship (politeuma [...

Build Up

Build Up The work of building up is almost always seen in a positive light in the Scriptures. The Hebrew word bana is used of building a physical stru...

Lamentations 3

CHAPTER (ELEGY) 3 Lamentations 3:1-66 . Jeremiah proposes his own experience under afflictions, as an example as to how the Jews should beha...