Search Results for deut 1-3

Found 209 Results for deut 1-3

Wages [N] [E] [S]Payment given for services rendered. The semantic field of this term is usually found in economic contexts, where payment means some ...

Education in Bible Times

Education in Bible Times Education is essential to the survival of any social group, since a community secures its continued existence and development...

Hosea, Theology of

Hosea, Theology of Foundational to Hosea's message and teaching about God are his marriage to Gomer and her departure after the birth of three childre...


Leadership [N]The Old Testament. In the earliest days of the Old Testament, leadership of the people of God was by the family head or patriarch, to wh...

Mark 12:29

Mark 12:29 Jesus answered him, the first of all the commandments is, &c.] Christ replied at once, without taking any time to consider of it, that the ...

Knowledge of God

Knowledge of God The key biblical terms for knowledge assume a personal familiarity, even an intimateinvolvement, with the known object. Similarly, kn...


Marriage [N] [T] [E] [S]An intimate and complementing union between a man and a woman in which the two become one physically, in the whole of life. Th...

Matthew 5

MATTHEW. CHAPTER V. The Sermon on the Mount. SUMMARY.--The Beatitudes. The Salt of the Earth. The Light of the World. The Relation of Christ to th...

Prophet, Prophetess, Prophecy

Prophet, Prophetess, Prophecy A prophet was an individual who received a call from God to be God's spokesperson, often connected with some crisis that...

Sexuality, Human

Sexuality, Human Foundations This essay is based on the following premises: (1) Those functions founded in the unfallen created order that God proclai...

Santiago 2

SANTIAGO 2:1-26Divisi?n de los p?rrafos en traducciones modernasReina Valera 1960RV-1960La Biblia De Las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla HoyDHHBiblia Jerusal...

1 Corinthians 9

The Book of 1?CorinthiansChapter 9Verses:9:1Am I not free? am I not an apostle? - That is, Have not I the liberty of a common Christian? yea, that of ...


Exaltation [N]In the Bible exaltation most often refers to the lofty position of God and of Jesus Christ, but sometimes the term is applied to human b...


Immortality [N] [E] A state or condition free from both death and decay. The Bible affirms that only God bynature has immortality ( 1 Tim 6:16 ; cf. ...


Amen [N] [E] [S]In current usage, the term amen has become little more than a ritualized conclusion to prayers. Yet the Hebrew and Greek words for ame...

Know, Knowledge

Know, Knowledge The Old Testament. The Hebrew root yada [[;dy],translated know/knowledge, appears almost 950 times in the HebrewBible. It has a wider...


Eve [N] [E] [H] [S]All four passages in the Bible that contain the name Eve refer to the wife of the original man, Adam ( Gen 3:20 ; 4:1 ; 2 Col 11:...


Victory The number of times the word victory occurs in the English Bible depends very much on the particular version one uses. For example, victory oc...


Suffering [N]The experience of physical pain and/or mental distress. The words and phrases in the Bible expressing this concept are too numerous to li...

Santiago 1

Santiago 1:1-27Divisi?n de los p?rrafos en traducciones modernas[1] Reina Valera 1960RV-1960La Biblia De Las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla HoyDHHBiblia Jer...