Search Results for eat

Found 359 Results for eat
Jesus’ Command Not to Worry Is Practical Advice

Emma Danzey

Jesus is saying we will have reasons in this life to worry, but we can rely on His help to avoid the wasted time and energy that anxiety brings. Jesus addresses our greatest needs of survival by telli...

Beyond Sunday: Work Hard

When you work, are you aware of the Lord's presence with you? He is the one who commands us to work hard as part of our general calling as Christians....

Navigating Painful Seasons with Help from Hannah

Carley Marcouillier

Grief is not something that anyone wants to feel or experience, but it is something we will all face, one way or another. When those feelings of grief threaten to overwhelm us, the best thing we can d...

What Does the Bible Say about Salvation?

Michael Jakes

In the simplest terms, salvation is the deliverance of one from impending danger. As stated, this salvation is prompted by His love, but it is given to us by grace. We read from the book of Ephesians:...

What Does the Bible Say about Knowledge?

Dawn Wilson

God predicted that in the last days knowledge will increase, but the knowledge of the world is not the same as biblical knowledge.What does the Bible say about knowledge? How does it differ from ...

Does God Care How I Spend My Free Time?

Kristi Walker

Living a Christian life is not something we clock in and out of. It's no 9-5, and then on the weekends we can live as we please. But does God have an opinion about how we spend our free time? The Apos...

4 Blessings of a Disciplined Faith

Kirstyn Mayden

Maybe it was a New Years resolution. Maybe it was an inspirational friend pushing you to do more. Maybe it was a convicting sermon. Regardless, you had high hopes to eat healthier, communicate better,...

What Is the Hidden Manna Found in Revelation?

Hope Bolinger

Many of us know about the physical manna the Israelites ate in the desert. But what about the hidden manna in Revelation? What exactly is this?...

Is it Always Sinful to Lie?

Alyssa Roat

God knows we all have the propensity to lie. But what does the Bible say about lying as a sin?...

Become a Fruit-Bearing Christian

We need to see that if our work is to be acceptable and effective, it must come as fruit; it must be the spontaneous outgrowth of a healthy, vigorous life, the Spirit and power of Christ living and wo...

Meaning and Importance of God's Name ‘El Roi’- The God Who Sees Me

Hope Bolinger

How wonderful that God sees each one of us, no matter how alone or invisible life can make us feel. Here are three beautiful reasons why not only Hagar, but every human, can praise El Roi today and al...

Why Should We Pray for "Our Daily Bread"?

Meg Bucher

When Jesus taught His disciples the famous Lord's Prayer he included the line "give us this day our daily bread." Food and physical nourishment are crucial for life, but was that all Jesus was talking...

Why Does Jesus Care so Much about His Lost Sheep?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

During his ministry, Jesus often talks in parables, or stories. Some, like the Good Samaritan, are incredibly popular even in our modern culture. But there are quite a few smaller parables that are of...

Does 'You Are Not Your Own' Negate Free Will?

Emma Danzey

When you first hear the term, “You are not your own” found in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, it can appear confusing. Does this phrase negate free will? ...

The Miracle of Manna in the Wilderness

Hope Bolinger

In the Old Testament, when the Israelites flee Egypt, they quickly find themselves despairing that they will starve in the wilderness. But God in his mercy sends them manna and quail. But, what exactl...

What Does Jesus Say about Paradise and What Heaven Will Be Like?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Paradise is mentioned three times in the Bible. It first appears in Luke 23:43. “And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”...

What It Practically Means to Guard Your Heart

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Guarding your heart is not much different from what we do in other parts of our lives. For example, we know if you eat terrible food, then your body will not operate at its best. If you spend more mon...

What Should Christians Know about What the Bible Says about Spanking?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

Does the Bible say anything about spanking or are we asking the wrong question?...

Do Butterflies Have a Spiritual Meaning in the Bible?

Michelle Treacy

One of the beautiful things butterflies can remind us of is the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ. Like butterflies, Jesus was born, died on a cross for us, and was buried in the tomb....

What Is the Cultural Significance of Sharing a Meal?

Heidi Vegh

We see in the New Testament that Jesus held this tradition in high esteem and proceeded to place a high significance on sharing a meal throughout His ministry. We often find Him reclining at a table, ...