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Found 260 Results for is 1-4
Why Did Jesus Say, 'I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life'?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

On the last night of his life, Jesus made a monumental claim to his disciples: “I am the way and the truth and the life.” What did he mean by that?...

7 Ways to Respond as a Christian to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Aaron D'Anthony Brown

Now, we’re left with a question. After today’s ruling, has our fight for the sake of the unborn finally concluded?...

3 Ways We See God When We Study Science

Allie Boman

Believing in God as the Creator of the universe helps us understand why we are here, why the universe is as it is, and what our role is to play here. Loving the God who created our world can lead...

What Are the Marks of Genuine Repentance?

Traci Boland

Genuine repentance begins in the presence of the holy God. When we stand in the light of God’s holiness, we experience godly sorrow that leads to a change of heart, mind, and behavior. The result of r...

Exploring the 10 Commandments: The Second Command

Emma Danzey

As we approach the second commandment, may we remember that even if we are not physically fashioning an idol to worship, that our hearts can quickly turn towards other gods to fill spaces where we neg...

How Did Jesus' Death Pay the Penalty for Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is called the Lamb of God and the Last Adam. These two titles help us understand how Jesus’ death paid the penalty for our sin. As the Lamb of God, He fulfilled the Law as the perfect sacrifice....

Did Jesus Go to Hell? - Where was Christ between the Cross and Resurrection

Dr. Roger Barrier

We know where he was part of the time––in Paradise. But a verse about, “preaching to the spirits in prison” opens up other possibilities. ...

What Qualifies Someone to Be a Church Elder?

Melissa Henderson

Most churches have elders of some kind, but what qualifies someone for that task?...

8 Weeks in Malachi

Our tempers often cause us to forget how gracious the Lord is. We only see half the picture. In this eight-week study, the words of Malachi will reveal the other half....

6 Valuable Lessons from the Life of Samuel

Bethany Verrett

Samuel spent his life in service to the Lord, setting a great example for anyone who wants to live a life that pleases God. He was used for leadership, prophecy, and wisdom. For anyone seeking to unde...

What Do We Learn from Reading Jesus’ Genealogy?

Heather Adams

Honestly, I used to be confused and put off by these “family trees” myself. But as I started to read more of the Bible, they started to come alive.  Each member is part of a beautiful tapestry wo...

What Should Christians Know about What the Bible Says about Spanking?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

Does the Bible say anything about spanking or are we asking the wrong question?...

How (and Why) Do We “Receive Power” from the Holy Spirit?

Blair Parke

The book of Acts, foretold through Luke’s eyewitness accounts, shares with readers what it truly means when you accept Jesus into your heart and how your life completely changes from what you knew bef...

5 Ways to Make Christmas Day about More than Just Presents

Kayli Thompson

After weeks (months?) of planning, Christmas day seems to come and go in a flash. Before you know it, the gifts are all opened, the food is eaten and the family is scattered. Is there a way to reclaim...

What Are the Most Important Mountains in the Bible?

Hope Bolinger

There are several mountains mentioned in the Bible, but what are the most important mountains in the Bible. And what happened at each location?...

3 Powerful Truths Paul’s Prayers Reveal about Spirit-Led Living

Jennifer Slattery

Throughout his letters, the evangelist taught many important lessons and spoke powerful, life-changing truths. He encouraged, inspired, and corrected. But most importantly, he routinely turned to God....

Why Does Ezekiel Prophecy to a Valley of Dry Bones?

Hope Bolinger

One of the oddest and most famous passages in Ezekiel (found in chapter 37) has inspired numerous Sunday school lessons, sermons, and even a song. In the chapter, the prophet Ezekiel is led by God i...

Is It True That "God Desires for All Men to Be Saved"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

What can creep into people’s thoughts is, “What about truly evil people?” While on the surface this can seem like a very logical question, there is a recognition missing from it. There is an assumptio...

Is It True that All Is Vanity?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Solomon knew more and had more than perhaps anyone who ever lived... and after getting it all he said, "All is vanity." Was he being satirical, or was there something serious and profound behind this ...

How Can We Encourage Our Children to "Walk in the Truth"?

Mike Leake

When the Bible talks about walking in truth it is usually more than just believing a set of ideas. Walking in the truth is much more than believing bare facts about God, sin, humanity, Jesus Christ, a...