Search Results for isaiah 3

Found 530 Results for isaiah 3
Does God Really Work in "Mysterious Ways"?

Lisa Loraine Baker

What is not a mystery is that God will reveal what He wants when He wants to whom He wants (Exodus 33:19). God’s mysteries are Divine mysteries, and that truth makes them beyond the scope of our ...

Where Can We See Jesus' Power and Authority on Full Display?

Lisa Loraine Baker

No doubt Jesus exposed His power and authority in the Bible. A look at why He said He came will give us fuller realization and wonder when we regard the Bible passages which record His acts of power a...

Who Baptized Jesus?

Heather Adams

“Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John” (Matthew 3:13).The ritual of baptism was familiar to the Jewish people by the start of Jesus’ ministry. At that time, priests were b...

What Does "Wait on the Lord" Really Mean?

Allie Boman

What did Isaiah mean when he wrote those words: “wait upon the Lord”? What would it feel like to have eagles’ wings at a time like this? To put it simply, it all boils down to wh...

What Does the Bible Say about Darkness?

Lisa Loraine Baker

From the darkness over the waters in Genesis 1 to the darkness overcome at the end of Revelation, the Bible is filled with discussions about darkness. But what does the Bible say about darkness, as a ...

Who Were the Minor Prophets?

Mike Leake

We might think that the Minor Prophets are less important than the Major Prophets. But that’s not what the word minor means here. “Minor” has more to do with their size and scope than it has to d...

What’s So Good about the Gospel?

Meredith N Mills

Many gospel conversations focus on life after death: All have sinned. Sin separates us from God. Jesus died to save us from hell and make heaven possible for those who believe in him. But what if this...

How Foster Care Practically Shows Us the Gospel

Allie Boman

The gospel — the story of God living a human life, giving up that life to defeat death, and rising up again as a human with a whole new kind of life — makes perfect sense out of foster parenting.First...

5 Ways to Anchor Your Soul in Scripture When Life Feels Crazy

Paula Rinehart

You might wish—as I do—that you could carve out the space to immerse yourself in hours of Bible study. And sometimes we can. The irony is that when life gets tough and you feel overwhelm...

What Is the Second Week of Advent Candle's Meaning?

G. Connor Salter

Each advent candle has some special meaning behind it and presents an opportunity to think about the Christmas season in a new way. The second advent takes us from thinking about hope to a related ide...

Who Is the Bride of Christ?

Jessica Udall

All the great love stories of the world echo this greatest of love stories. And just like a good husband acts, God’s actions towards the Church are always full of love....

3 Undeniable Truths to Help Us Understand the Trinity

Sheila Alewine

The nature of the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit - is just something that we will never be able to understand this side of eternity. But it doesn't mean we can't catch glimp...

What Does the Bible Say about Poverty and the Poor?

John D. Barry

The poor are near and dear to God’s heart. How we treat the impoverished is a major concern throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. You simply cannot have the gospel of Jesus and neg...

What Is the Meaning of the Fourth Week of Advent Candle?

G. Connor Salter

The fourth advent candle is the last one lit for most advent wreaths, marking the last phase of the advent season....

5 Prayers for God’s Perfect Timing

Lisa Loraine Baker

When we begin with a me-centered vision, we will always experience dissatisfaction. We expect God to answer our prayers at the moment we petition Him to fulfill our need for immediate gratif...

What Are the Different Types of Angels in the Bible?

Mike Leake

My aim here is to outline what the Scripture tells us about the different types of angels and to go no further into speculation. It is an important topic. And I believe angels still act in our world t...

What Is Soteriology and Why Is it Essential for All Christians to Know?

Jean Wilund

Soteriology isn’t uniquely Christian, but it is biblical. Paul demonstrates the use of soteriology in his letter to the Corinthian church....

The Birth of Jesus through Joseph's Eyes

When we celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmastime, our attention is most often given to Luke’s account, because it gives us so much information. But Matthew's account is just as important in our u...

Why Was Jesus Baptized and Did He Need to Be?

Pamela Palmer

Baptism is an important event in the life of the believer. It signifies rebirth into one's faith and a commitment to the Lord. But Jesus lived a perfect sinless life, and is one part of the Trinity. S...

Does the Earth Truly Belong to God?

Kathy Collard Miller

After all, Psalm 24:1 tells us, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” But then we might easily question our belief considering the degenerating condition ...