Search Results for james 4

Found 448 Results for james 4
How Can Christians Live the Biblical Definition of Wisdom?

Britt Mooney

The Bible speaks a great deal about wisdom. However, its definition of wisdom differs from what the world generally says....

What Is the Right Way to Pass Judgement?

Christine Carter

Christians are sometimes stereotyped as stodgy and too judgmental in the eyes of the world. The phrase "judge not" or "only God can judge me" have become so commonplace, we often wonder how much Bibli...

Are You Suffering from the Jonah Syndrome?

As shocking as it is to see the wickedness of Jonah’s heart, many of us are just like him. I call it the Jonah Syndrome, and in times past, it has affected me too. Let me explain exactly what I mean....

What Does "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged" Mean in the Bible?

Debbie Wilson

To judge means: to separate, to pick out, select, choose. By implication, it means to condemn, punish—avenge, conclude. It also carries the idea of having discernment. The passage where Jesus said, “D...

What Are the 5 Most Accurate Bible Translations?

Jason Soroski

There are other versions that are worthy of attention, but these five are universally considered great for several reasons. First, they are all translated by respected and diverse groups of theologian...

5 Steps to Find Peace in a Really Bad Situation

Paul Dean

How do you get peace in a really bad situation? You may be in the fight of your life financially and about to lose your home. It may be that you've been diagnosed with lung cancer as my father-i...

What Does Scripture Say about Our Tongues and Speech?

Heather Adams

Scripture is very clear on this point: the words we use and the way we say them impacts the world around us. God gives us the choice of whether our impact will be positive or negative. When we follow ...

What Is Wisdom? (and How to Get It)

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The answer to the question, “what is wisdom” seems, at first hearing, to demand a rather simple answer. One could say, “Wisdom is the appropriate application of knowledge,” and that is so. But upon re...

What Does the Bible Say about Pride?

Meg Bucher

“I’m proud of you.” It’s a notion we dish out and long to hear daily. But when is it sin? The Bible is clear that it’s ok to encourage and admonish each other and ...

Why Should We Pray?

Prayer is so vital to all that God wants to do on the earth, and it is so essential to us, that He commands us to do it all the time. Here are a few reasons why....

What Is Anointing of the Sick and Is it Biblical?

Dolores Smyth

The Anointing of the Sick is most commonly associated with the Roman Catholic Church and, as such, this article explores the rite from the Catholic faith’s perspective. In Catholicism, the Anointing o...

10 Powerful Principles to Endure Suffering

Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Suffering will indeed come, but God can give us grace and power to overcome every trial and to fulfill our purpose and mission in His kingdom. In his second epistle to Timothy, the Apostle Paul shares...

What It Looks Like to Have the “Faith of a Mustard Seed”

Bethany Verrett

The mustard seed in Jesus’ example symbolizes the potential in faith. When a believer begins their journey, they have just begun to learn about how much God loves them, how much He wants to do for the...

What Is the Wormwood Star That Shows Up in the End Times?

Connor Salter

The wormwood star falls into water sources, and it poisons waters. The Bible specifically starts that a third of the rivers were poisoned, which is interesting since three is an important number that ...

How Can We Extend Grace This Christmas?

Ruth Clemence

Grace is described as a gift which justifies us before God through the redemption that is in Jesus (Romans 3:24). However, like any gift we may open this holiday season, will we receive it with joy an...

20 Inspiring Baby Names Found in the Bible

Emma Danzey

As believers in Christ, the Bible is always a popular place to go to find inspiration for a child’s name. However, maybe you or a loved one is looking for something a little more outside of the box....

The Two Edges of the Sword of God’s Word (Hebrews 4:12)

Chris Russell

The Bible truly functions as a “sword” in its ability to cut through to the innermost depths of a person’s heart and soul. God’s Word can penetrate through all the layers of impurity and get to the tr...

How Should Christians Make the Most of Every Opportunity?

Vivian Bricker

There are many ways Christians can make the most of every opportunity. Simple things throughout your day can be turned into opportunities for service to God. Being patient, kind, and caring for others...

Who Was Mary Magdalene in the Bible? - Facts to Know About Her Life & Story

Meg Bucher

Who was Mary Magdalene? Not every Gospel account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection focus on the same events and details, but all four attest that Mary witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion and burial. He...

Why Is Abel Included in the Hebrews 11 “Hall of Faith”?

Brad Simon

Abel’s faith was characterized by his genuine devotion and obedience to God’s command. As Christians, we are called to emulate this kind of faith – a faith accompanied by sincere actions of love for G...