Search Results for matt 5-6

Found 221 Results for matt 5-6

Animals [N]God as Creator and Sustainer. Animals, like the rest of the uNIVerse, are created by God. In Genesis 1, God's approval of the created world...

Head, Headship

Head, Headship The head is the topmost part of the body, where symbols of power, authority, and honor were displayed. Kings and priests were anointed ...

Joshua 15

The Book of JoshuaChapter 15Chapter Overview: The bounds of the inheritance of Judah, ver. 1 - 12. The assignment of Hebron to Caleb and his family,...


Sin [N] [T] [E] [H] [S]Sin is a riddle, a mystery, a reality that eludes definition and comprehension. Perhaps we most often think of sin as wrongdoi...

Matthew 10

MATTHEW. CHAPTER X. The Call and Charge to the Apostles. SUMMARY.--The Twelve Apostles. The Charge. To Whom Sent. How to Go. What to Preach. What...

Homily XXXI.

Homily XXXI.Homily XXXI. John iii. 35, 36.-The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into His hand. He that believeth on the Son hath everl...


Sanctification [N] [T] [E]The generic meaning of sanctification is the state of proper functioning. To sanctify someone or something is to set that pe...


'Thou shalt call His name Jesus; for it is He that shall ?ave His people from their sins.'?Matt. i. 21. 'Ye know that He was manifested to take away ...

Cloud, Cloud of the Lord

Cloud, Cloud of the Lord The Old Testament. The Literal Cloud. Natural phenomena involving clouds are depicted occasionally in the Old Testament, but ...

Baptize, Baptism

Baptize, Baptism The Greek root-word baptizein [baptivzw] means to plunge, immerse, sink; hence to wash; to be immersed, overwhelmed (in trouble). Fro...

Homily VIII.

Homily VIII.Homily VIII. 1 Timothy ii. 8-10.-I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like man...

Type, Typology

Type, Typology The type is perhaps the least understood but most important concept in the hermeneutics of biblical prophecy. Typological prophecy occu...

Christians, Names of

Christians, Names of The New Testament contains over 175 names, descriptive titles, and figures of speech referring to Christians, applicable to both ...

1 Peter 4

PETER. CHAPTER IV. Counsels to Suffering Saints. SUMMARY.--Christ Having Died for Us, We Should Live for Christ. Watchfulness in View of the Speed...

John Greene

John Greene had a principal hand in raising a baptist congregation in Crutched-friars, London, in the year l639?_ and was chosen to the office of min...

Presence of God

Presence of God The Scriptures often speak of God's presence in human history. The most common Hebrew term for presence is panim [yIn'P], which is als...


Decrees [N]Decrees issued by rulers, written commands having the effect of law, and the metaphor of God as King of the world provide the imagery behin...

Homily XXIV.

Homily XXIV.Homily XXIV. Ephesians vi. 14-17.-Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; an...

Lord's Supper, the

Lord's Supper, the The richness and importance of the Lord's Supper in Christianity are conveyed by the various names given to it. It has been called ...


Footnotes(1 )Luke xi. 10.(2 )Prov. xvii. 28, lxx.(3 )Is. ii. 3, lxx.(4 )Phil. iii. 14.(5 )i.e., confessed or denied himself a Christian. The Benedicti...