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Found 254 Results for re 150

Footnotes(1 )He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He...

Book IV.

Book IV.Book IV.1. We would ask you, and you above all, O Romans, lords and princes of the world, whether you think that Piety, Concord, Safety, Honou...

Prolegomena to St. Ambrose.

Prolegomena to St. Ambrose.Prolegomena to St. Ambrose.I. Literature.?1. Editions.All the Editions of the works of St. Ambrose which preceded that of t...

Luke, The Gospel Of

LUKE, THE GOSPEL OF || 1. Text 2. Canonicity 3. Authorship 4. Sources 5. Credibility 6. Characteristics 7. Date 8. Analysis LITERATURE 1. Te...


GAMES gamz: I. ISRAELITISH GAMES 1. Children's Games Mimicry 2. Sports 3. Games of Chance and Skill 4. Story-Telling 5. Dancing 6. Proverbs 7...

The Phenomenal Corporeity and Investiture

THE PHENOMENAL CORPOREITY AND INVESTITURE. Sec, V. When, by God's permission, Samuel appeared to king Saul, the latter asked the witch, What sees...

Genesis 20

G?NESIS 20DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASNASBNKJVNRSVTEVNJB(sigue al TM)Traicion de abraham20:1-720:8-18Abraham y abimelec20:1-720:8-13...

Zechariah, Book Of

ZECHARIAH, BOOK OF 1. The Prophet 2. His Times and Mission 3. Contents and Analysis 4. The Critical Question Involved 5. The Unity of the Book 6....

Education for the Ministry: Its Idea and Its Requisites

XXVII. EDUCATlON FOR THE MlNlSTRY: ITS IDEA AND ITS REQUISITES.* We are assembled this afternoon to dedicate this edifice to God and to the cause o...

Apocryphal Gospels

APOCRYPHAL GOSPELS a-pok'-ri-fal gos'-pels: _I. INTRODUCTORY_ 1. Early Gospels 2. Canonical Gospels 3. Apocryphal Gospels 4. Gospel according to ...

Book IV.

Book IV.Book IV. Chapter I. The marvel is, not that men have failed to know Christ, but that they have not listened to the words of the Scriptures. Ch...

Ephesians, Epistle To The



Footnotes(1 )Luke xi. 10.(2 )Prov. xvii. 28, lxx.(3 )Is. ii. 3, lxx.(4 )Phil. iii. 14.(5 )i.e., confessed or denied himself a Christian. The Benedicti...

VII. On Modesty.

VII. On Modesty. VII. On Modesty.(1) [Translated by the Rev. S. Thelwall.]Modesty, the flower of manners, the honour of our bodies, the grace of the s...

St Paul and the Three

II. ST PAUL AND THE THREE. Three f I ^HREE and three only of the personal disciples and imme alone *8 diate followers of our Lord hold any prominen...

Book III.

Book III. Book III.(1) Caput I.-Basilidis Sententiam de Continentia Et Nuptus Refutat.Ac Valentiniani quidem, qui desuper ex divinis emissionibus ded...

Chapter II--Corroborative Evidences of God's Existence

CHAPTER II. CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCES OF ttOIl'S EXISTENCE. Although the knowledge of God's existence is intuitive, it may be explicated and confirmed...

Of Patience.

Of Patience. Of Patience.(1) (Translated by the Rev. S. Thelwall.)-------- Chapter I.-Of Patience Generally; And Tertullian's Own Unworthiness to Trea...

Lecture XV.

Lecture XV.Lecture XV.On the Clause, and Shall Come in Glory to Judge the Quick and the Dead; Of Whose Kingdom There Shall Be No End,Daniel VII. 9-14....

Chapter XXII

On May 26, 1852, there was in hand toward the erection of the second new Orphan House three thousand five hundred and thirty pounds nine shillings si...