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Found 3751 Results for study
Waiting for the Morning

Elizabeth Vince

If I were precious to Him, why would He allow me to suffer?...

Crucial Steps to Building Biblical Literacy with Your Child

Emma Danzey

If I were to ask you to tell me all of the Bible verses and stories that you remember off of the top of your head, what would you say? Would the majority of these be from recent study or childhood? Al...

11 Important Reminders from the Introductions to the Epistles

Bethany Verrett

Most of the books that make up the New Testament are epistles, another word for letters. All of these letters were written by people who met Jesus, and were eyewitnesses to His resurrected self. They ...

Why Does Small Group Bible Study Matter?

Pamela Palmer

Maybe you heard a great sermon on community, or you've been seeing the same flyer every Sunday for weeks, advertising a new small group Bible study. But you wonder if it will really be worth your time...

How Can We Pick the Best Bible Translation?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

How can we pick the best Bible translation?...

When and How Was the Bible Split into Chapters and Verses?

Bethany Verrett

While there are pros and cons to this structure, its creation makes memorization more accessible and allows for a more universal experience for believers all over the road to study God’s Word....

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

Emma Danzey

His kindness came to us. Jesus, the incarnate deity, came to earth to show us the greatest act of kindness and love on the cross at Calvary. Death was defeated and not only that, by the Holy Spirit we...

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Patience

Emma Danzey

We are the “spiritual toddlers” when our impatience gets the best of us. But Jesus is so faithful. He is with us. He sees things that we cannot understand. When He asks us to be patient, it is for rea...

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness

Emma Danzey

I believe that gentleness is true strength. It is living like Jesus and not allowing emotions or stubbornness to get in the way of a surrendered life. ...

10 Easy Tips for Journaling through Scripture

Micah Maddox

I have always loved a new journal and a fancy pen. There is something special about putting those first words on the page and filling each of the pages with thoughts, Scripture, and prayers. I find jo...

5 Easy Ways to Get Back in the Bible This Holiday Season

Emma Danzey

The year is almost complete, and we will be breaking out new calendars and planners soon. As we are right in the sweet spot between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is easy to become overly busy with ac...

5 Biblical Questions to Ask about Surrendering Social Media

Ruth Clemence

Let’s face it - social media is not going away any time soon. It’s become a normal part of life to see people scrolling on their devices in public, at home and at work. It’s a tool that can be handled...

30 Verses Every Christian Should Memorize

Bethany Verrett

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Jesus Christ is the Living Word, who walks with those who call Him “Lord.” He also enshrined the story of t...

The Best Time to Plant a Tree

Maybe this is the year you want to plow some new ground spiritually. ...

What Type of Bible Should You Buy Next?

Emma Danzey

So many wonderful people have worked hard to provide a variety of styles to help readers grow deeper in their walks with the Lord through the Scriptures. Sometimes it feels like time for a change or a...

10 Names of God in the Bible You Need to Know

Brittany Rust

I once did a study on the names of God and it truly ushered a fresh wind into my spiritual walk. There’s something intimate, exciting, and powerful about calling out the names of God in your prayers. ...

5 Reasons We Still Need the Old Testament Today

Meg Bucher

“… the name by which he is called is The Word of God” (Revelation 19:13b).The Old Testament records the history of God’s people before Jesus was born on earth, but the story of our redemption didn’t s...

25 Prayers for Justice

Melissa Henderson

How is justice defined in the world today? News reports tell about crimes committed and how people are seeking justice. What about those times when the actions of another person hurt someone? Does jus...

How to Enthusiastically Study the Bible Like the Bereans

Kelly-Jayne McGlynn

The Bereans were clearly open to the Word of God. It wasn’t a chore for them, but something that they were excited about reading. Their faith wasn’t vague or superficial–they examined the Scriptures c...