Search Results for the heart

Found 356 Results for the heart
Exodus 7:14
14 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Pharaoh’s heart is unyielding; he refuses to let the people go.
Jeremiah 17:9
9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Job 17:11
11 My days have passed, my plans are shattered. Yet the desires of my heart
Psalms 66:18
18 If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened;
Psalms 77:6
6 I remembered my songs in the night. My heart meditated and my spirit asked:
Proverbs 17:22
22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 23:19
19 Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path:
Ecclesiastes 2:20
20 So my heart began to despair over all my toilsome labor under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 7:3
3 Frustration is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart.
Ecclesiastes 7:7
7 Extortion turns a wise person into a fool, and a bribe corrupts the heart.
Ezekiel 28:8
8 They will bring you down to the pit, and you will die a violent death in the heart of the seas.
Exodus 14:8
8 The LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, so that he pursued the Israelites, who were marching out boldly.
Psalms 19:8
8 The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
1 Kings 10:24
24 The whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart.
Matthew 15:18
18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.
Proverbs 15:30
30 Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
Proverbs 22:17
17 Pay attention and turn your ear to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach,
Proverbs 27:9
9 Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.
1 Samuel 28:5
5 When Saul saw the Philistine army, he was afraid; terror filled his heart.
2 Samuel 14:1
1 Joab son of Zeruiah knew that the king’s heart longed for Absalom.