Search Results for those who believe

Found 1089 Results for those who believe
Who Are the Gentiles?

Pamela Palmer

The Bible often compares Jews and gentiles, particularly in the New Testament. Most people are familiar with Judaism, a religion that continue to the present day. But what exactly is a gentile? Is it ...

Can Christians Use Crystals?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

If you think using crystals can help promote “good energy,” then the question you must consider is where is that energy coming from? I can assure you it is not the Holy Spirit....

Why Did God Flood the World?

Ed Jarrett

It would be easy to read this and see a God who was caught off guard by how sinful humanity had become. A God who became so angry that he decided to wipe out the whole mess and start over again. But i...

The Romans Road to Salvation - Its Popular Meaning and Purpose 

Rhonda Stoppe

Discover the Bible story of the Romans Road to salvation and its meaning. What must we do to ensure our salvation to heaven?...

Don't Waste Your Cancer

There are many other ways to waste your cancer. I am praying for myself and for you that we will not waste this pain....

Does God Love ... Everyone?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The subject of God’s love is essential to your faith as a Christian. When you look at the very core of faith, it all revolves around the love of God. I often wonder if there is a greater topic to try ...

5 Powerful Ways Jesus Still Heals Today

Lia Martin

Anyone familiar with Jesus’ ministry in the New Testament knows that he didn’t withhold his power to heal. In fact, the many miracles he publicly performed were proof of his promise to overcome.On his...

What Does the Bible Say about Listening?

Cathy Baker

Listening is not an easy activity, but it's a vital one, and one that God exhorts us to do. Which raises the question, what does the Bible say about listening?...

What Did Jesus Mean by "Poor in Spirit" and How Can We Become This?

Maggie Cooper

In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus leads the Beatitudes with "blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." But we can get mixed up in what exactly it means to be "poor in spiri...

5 Things to Know about God’s Promise to Abraham

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The beautiful thing about God is he has not changed. His promises have not changed either. He is still the promise keeper and most of all he can be trusted. Abraham trusted God’s promise and though he...

What Is the Role of Women in Church Leadership?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

There are two sides to this debate and your answer to this question largely boils down to how you interpret Scripture. Most people are fairly dug in on this issue on both sides, but I do want to ask s...

5 Lessons from the Parable of the 10 Virgins

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The parable of the 10 virgins is a wake-up call. First to those who don’t know Jesus, but it goes beyond that. The unprepared virgins in the story had lamps. ...

4 Ways Christianity Is Unique from Other Religions

Rachel Britton

Christianity is the only faith with an empty grave, whose leader came back from the dead and walked and talked with his followers. Without the incarnation of God in the flesh and Jesus Christ’s resurr...

Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables?

Ed Jarrett

On the surface, the parable was just an interesting story, one that was easily understood by the listeners and based on things within their own experience. But the parable also had a deeper meaning, i...

What Is the Purpose of Atonement?

Ed Jarrett

The Scripture is clear concerning the essential nature of the atonement, and that the atonement was crucial in bringing humanity into the relationship with God that he wanted. But it did more than sim...

What Is So Dangerous about Self-Righteousness?

Blair Parke

Instead of believing your salvation came through your own works or because you are “better” than someone else, an attitude of humility reminds you that you were once a lost sinner like people around y...

What Should All Christians Know about Transubstantiation?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

What is the doctrine of transubstantiation and why has it divided Catholics and Protestants for centuries?...

The Women in Christ's Life: Martha ... Mary's Sister

I don't know about you but I struggle sometimes with having to choose to either sit at Jesus' feet or do His work. At the time, both seem to be just as important. Both seem to be good. Personally, for...