Search Results for ungodly

Found 83 Results for ungodly
How Many Are the Afflictions of the Righteous?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Are the afflictions of the righteous smaller than everyone else's, or do we suffer as much as non-believers? If so, what's the point? Here's what the Bible tells us to remember about our trials in thi...

Who Was Saul of Tarsus?

Mike Leake

Saul was a religiously devoted man who was zealous in his beliefs. And he had the education to back it up. Think of your rising star seminary student. But as the story fills out a bit more, we see tha...

5 Mighty Lessons Nahum Has for Believers Today

Brad Simon

Amid the darkness, Nahum exemplified unwavering faith and obedience. Chosen by God, this humble prophet conveys a powerful message to the people of Judah. He sought to awaken the hearts of the people ...

The Beauty of Holding Our Possessions in an Open Hand

Candice Lucey

How do people find security when the temporal signs of it – things like a roof over their heads, warm clothes and food – are taken away? It is comforting to remember that Jesus knows what this feels l...

How Do I Get Started Praying?

Allie Boman

Prayer is essential to the Christian life, but it can be difficult to build up a healthy prayer life. You may be feeling unprepared, insecure or just too busy to pray sometimes. How can we work to get...

3 Real Ways Christians Can Love Their Enemies

Dr. Michael A. Milton

In both Matthew 5:44 and Luke 6:27, Jesus calls for believers to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. We can learn how to apply Jesus’ command in our own lives by following the fullne...

Is the Term 'Bondservant' the Best Way to Describe Slavery in the Bible?

Stephen Baker

The word bondservant is an alternate word used for slave. It comes from the Greek word doulos, which is found in the New Testament. ...

What Can We Learn from the Life of King Ahaz?

Joel Ryan

What can we learn from the tragic life of Judah's king Ahaz?...

Jesus Teaches Us How to Interact with People in the LGBT Community

Allie Boman

If we want to know how to treat people like neighbors — even people very different from us — we can watch how our older brother Jesus did it. He didn’t really treat everyone “the same.” He met them wh...

Jesus Is Our Light, Not Only at Christmas, but Always

Dawn Wilson

Light is one of the many symbols of Christmas. Whether we light candles or place lights on a Christmas tree, glowing lights have a special place in our hearts during the holiday season. For Christ-fol...

Does the Bible Have Anything to Say about Entertainment?

Dawn Wilson

There are at least two good purposes for entertainment: to give us rest and to bring joy. But there are also times when it’s not wise to use entertainment....

What Is an Epistle in the Bible and What Is It's Purpose and Meaning?

Jessica Brodie

Many of us have received letters from mentors, parents, or others we respect issuing words of praise and offering special advice on how we can live well. Often, we treasure these letters, tucking th...

How Does the Bible Guide Us When We Face Temptation?

Dawn Wilson

Christians sometimes have naïve assumptions about temptation. Some think it will be obvious, but temptations are subtle and nuanced. Satan delights in taking us by surprise. ...

Why Should We Know God as "Jehovah Rapha"?

Frank Santora

This Hebrew word, Rapha, is used sixty times in the Old Testament, and it means to “restore, to heal, to cure and to repair.” For example, in 1 Kings 18:30 says Elijah, “repaired (raphe) the altar of ...

Out of Life’s Storms Emerge Champions

Frank Santora

The so-called “Ice Bowl” of 1967 was a Super Bowl game played in Wisconsin in a temperature of -15F, with a wind chill of -48F. This was truly a game which tested the mettle of the men on a frozen gri...

Why We Should Reconsider What the Bible Really Says about Women in Ministry

Catherine Segars

Two scriptures are cited more than any other to silence women in the church. But what about the numerous other examples of female leadership in the Bible?...

What the Bible Says about the Idea of Transgenderism

Dr. Michael A. Milton

It is difficult to imagine a contemporary social movement that is more dangerously consistent with the downward spiral of Romans chapter one than transgenderism. Read these words from St. Paul an...

14 Quick Vacation Meditations that Pack a Punch

Need a spiritual boost on your vacation? These 14 daily meditations will keep you focused on God....

What Did Early Christians Believe about Hell?

J. Warner Wallace

As we seek to understand what the Bible teaches about Hell, it may be helpful to understand what the earliest believers believed and taught. The teachings of some of these believers has been pr...

A Month of Back to School Prayers for 2022

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

As the kids return to the classroom this year, parents wonder how things will go, and teachers worry about working with staff shortages and health risks, there are many things to pray for. Here are pr...