Search Results for leviticus 1

Found 153 Results for leviticus 1
What Is a Sabbatical, and How Can It Help Energize Leaders?

Michelle S. Lazurek

Although a sabbatical is most often associated with a leader experiencing burnout or other mental health issue, sabbaticals can be beneficial to one’s spiritual life as they practice the spiritual dis...

Why Did Jesus Ride a Donkey for His Triumphant Entry?

Stephen Baker

In Jesus' day, kings entered cities on chariots or magnificent horses. So why did Jesus ride a donkey into the city of Jerusalem?...

Why Is Satan Depicted as a Goat in Scripture?

Hope Bolinger

From the Yom Kippur scapegoat to the destructive habits of goats, there are many ways Satan is reflected in Scripture. And if we don’t exercise vigilance, we may find that the goat gospel looks nearly...

Jesus Through the Bible

The salvation that was expected in the Old Testament is exhibited in the Gospels and then explained in the rest of the New Testament....

Why Did God Allow for ‘an Eye for an Eye’ in the Old Testament?

Hope Bolinger

The concept of an eye for an eye essentially means that if someone hurts you in some way, you repay them with a punishment that fits the crime. In the literal sense, if someone takes out your eye, you...

4 Verses to Read at Your Thanksgiving Table This Year

Hope Bolinger

When it comes to reading Scripture at holidays, we often limit ourselves to Easter and Christmas. But the Bible is packed full of beautiful verses to spur us towards thankfulness! After all, the Israe...

What Can We Learn from the Woman with the Issue of Blood?

Jennifer Heeren

The woman with the issue of blood is mentioned in three of the gospels—Mark, Luke, and Matthew....

Why Does Paul Say “Love Does Not Boast”?

Lisa Loraine Baker

If we love someone with a godly love, then by definition of the word, we decide to compassionately and responsibly pursue the well-being of another. God’s Word tells us in Philippians 2:3 to, “Do...

Why Should We Know about the Overlooked Judge Shamgar?

Lisa Loraine Baker

. Shamgar served as the third judge over Israel, after Othniel and Ehud. Under Ehud, Israel had rest for 80 years (Judges 3:30)....

What Does the Bible Say about Divorce?

DiAne Gates

A topical look at what scriptures have to say about divorce. ...

Do Animals Have Souls?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Animals were formed by the word of God, and when he spoke they were able to exist and operate in their full capacity. Man was formed by the hand of God, but it wasn’t until God breathed life or a spir...

What Does Scripture Say about Our Tongues and Speech?

Heather Adams

Scripture is very clear on this point: the words we use and the way we say them impacts the world around us. God gives us the choice of whether our impact will be positive or negative. When we follow ...

What Is the Feast of Trumpets?

Ashley Hooker

This feast was a call to stop work and remember the Lord. The people were to hold the feast on the first day of the seventh month and you were to present a fire offering to the Lord. Throughout the da...

Why Does God Compare Our Relationship with Him to That of a Bride and Groom?

Jessica Brodie

Why does God compare our relationship with him to that of a bride and groom? In short, it’s a poignant and real-world way to exhibit the covenantal love and the selfless, everlasting stability Go...

What Is Adultery and What Are Some Sneaky Signs We're Ignoring?

Emma Danzey

Adultery is a serious sin and whether within the heart or by actions, it is important to identify it and repent....

Was the Promised Land Really Flowing with Milk and Honey?

Hope Bolinger

Throughout the Bible, the Promised Land of Israel, Jerusalem, is described as a land flowing with milk and honey. In many ways, that was symbolic for prosperity and joy. But was it also literal? Just ...

What Does the Bible Say about Respecting Our Elders?

Jessica Brodie

What does the Bible say about respecting our elders, and why is this important today? The good news is the Bible says plenty about the importance of respecting our elders....

Interesting Facts about the Meaning & Importance of the Number 12 in the Bible

Hope Bolinger

Found 187 times in the Bible, the number 12 makes a special appearance in Revelation, showing the authority and perfection of God’s kingdom at last. Here are 12 things to know about 12 in the Bible....

What Is a Covenant and Why Is It So Serious?

Bethany Verrett

Understanding the nature of covenants as a sacred promise between individuals, humanity, and God opens up ways of understanding the Bible, its history, and how people can relate to the Lord....

5 Things We Learn from Joseph's Faith at Christmas

Debbie W. Wilson

Most of us today have a clean and neat image of the first Christmas in our minds. But in reality, both Mary and Joseph experienced a bevy of emotions and challenges that included betrayal, fear, and l...