Search Results for rev 1-5

Found 402 Results for rev 1-5
5.5. Grapes of Wrath - Blood Stained Garments From the many passages in Scripture which provide insights into the Campaign of Armageddon1 , we have chosen those wh...

Revelation 2:1

Having been commissioned by Christ to write ?the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this...

Revelation 14:18

another angel came out from the altar The mention of the altar connects the upcoming vintage of wrath with the cry of the souls under the altar at th...

Matthew 1:21

Overview - Matthew 1 1?The genealogy of Christ from Abraham to Joseph. 18?He is miraculously conceived of the Holy Ghost by the Virgin Mary, when she ...

6.55. 2 Timothy

2Ti. 1 2Ti. 1:5 - 3.2.20 2Ti. 1:7 - 3.21.8 2Ti. 1:9 3 - 3.7.10,, 3.17.14 2Ti. 1:10 2 - 3.6.8, 3.21.4 2Ti. 1:12 - 2.13.3 2Ti. 1:18 - 2...

Eternal Punishment

Eternal Punishment [N]Divinely instituted penalty of endless suffering, including banishment from God's blessed presence.The Old Testament. A study of...

6.52. 1 Thessalonians

1Th. 1 1Th. 1:4 - 3.17.14 1Th. 1:5 - 1Th. 1:9 - 3.7.2 1Th. 1:10 12 - 4.14.62, 2.2.13, 2.4.3, 2.13.3, 3.3.3, 3.7.2, 3.16.15, 3.16.21, 4....

6.62. 1 John

1Jn. 1 1Jn. 1:1 6 - 3.19.132,, 3.1.2, 3.22.8, 1Jn. 1:2 3 - 3.1.1, 3.1.5, 3.19.13 1Jn. 1:3 - 3.19.13 1Jn. 1:5 2 - 3.21.23, 3.22.5...


Apocalyptic Type of biblical literature that emphasizes the lifting of the veil between heaven and earth and the revelation of God and his plan for th...

6.54. 1 Timothy

1Ti. 1 1Ti. 1:1 - 3.21.3 1Ti. 1:2 - 3.2.23 1Ti. 1:3 3 - 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 4.15 1Ti. 1:4 - 3.2.2 1Ti. 1:8 - 3.21.8 1Ti. 1:9 - 3.21.8 1Ti. 1:10 2 -...

Revelation 14:5

in their mouth Scripture implicates the mouth as the organ which speaks forth the heart: ?Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things...

Revelation 2:13

Where (pou--opou). Pou is interrogative adverb used here in an indirect question as in John 1:39 . Hopou is relative adverb referring to pou. Satan'...

6.53. 2 Thessalonians

2Th. 1 2Th. 1:4 - 2.13.1 2Th. 1:5 2 - 3.3.4, 3.10.7 2Th. 1:6 3 - 3.16.7, 3.17.14, 2Th. 1:7 6 - 3.1.12, 3.8.6, 3.17.14, 3.19.14, 4.14.3....

6.15. Ezra

Ezra 1 Ezra 1:1 2 - 3.11.19, 4.16.5 Ezra 1:2 3 - 3.11.19, 4.16.5, Ezra 1:3 2 - 3.11.19, 4.16.5 Ezra 1:4 2 - 3.11.19, 4.16.5 Ezra 1:5 -...

Revelation 2:20

Nevertheless The works done at Thyatira did not stand on their own for good works are necessary, but not sufficient in Christian service. The world i...

6.59. James

Jas. 1 Jas. 1:1 4 - 3.1.72, 3.7.4, Jas. 1:4 - 3.13.10 Jas. 1:5 - 3.3.15 Jas. 1:6 - 3.3.15 Jas. 1:7 - 3.3.15 Jas. 1:8 - 3.3.15 Jas....

Privileges of saints

Privileges of saints Abiding in Christ John 15:4 John 15:5 Partaking of the divine nature 2?Peter 1:4 Access to God by Christ Ephesians 3...


FIRST-BEGOTTEN furst-be-got'-'-n (prototokos): This Greek word is translated in two passages in the King James Version by first-begotten (Hebrews 1:6...


Drink [N] [E]Palestine lacks fresh water rivers and lakes and its dependence upon rain after its yearly hot, dry period makes drought an ongoing possi...

Revelation 20:5

But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. Live again is ???????? [anez?san] : used ?of the dead become aliv...